Donna Beneviento x Guardian reader

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/ Since this incident, you have started to talk more and more. You had left your cold side and replaced it with a loving and caring personality. Donna's heart felt warm inside. Her guardian really cared about her. It was not about orders but it was their own volition. For the first time since her parents death, she didn't feel lonely. She felt loved.
You both had ton of picnics, tea parties. You helped Donna taking care of Angie, cook the meals, do the chores. Something strong was linked between the two of you. So strong that something was growing inside Donna ...
Because of the attack, you started to be more wary and protective over Donna. Maybe a little too much. For example, one day, you almost ripped out that idiot Heisenberg's head. Didn't know if he was drunk or just in a bad mood but he started telling atrocities to Donna. Hopefully, the dollmaker hold you because you really were going to kill him\

Donna : (Y/N) let that pass ! He's just a jerk ..

(Y/N): WHAT ?! BUT HE-

Donna : Let it be. It isn't worth it trust me. Don't play his game.

(Y/N) : Whatever ...

/ Your protective side was sometimes out of control but luckily Donna was always there to calm you down. Many villagers saw you together in the forest and around the village. Sometimes you would hold hands and that's how many thought you were together, a couple.
You didn't care about people said. You didn't even paid attention to it. But that wasn't the case for Donna. Since your arrival, Donna had developed feelings for you. You were her knight in shining armour, her life was no longer an endless grief with an eternal lonliness. You were her light. But light might be beautiful and precious but it can also burn ...
It had been a few weeks since Donna had caught Hanahaki disease. Before that, she thought it was a legend or a very old disease that had died out. At first, the dollmaker didn't even know it was Hanahaki disease. But it was after coughing up some petals of her hallucinogenic plant that Donna started to search in several medecine books. And the Hanahaki disease appeared on one page. Everything made sense. The symptoms began to appear when she became aware of her feelings toward her guardian and they were the same as the Hanahaki disease's ones. It could be cured through surgical removal, but when the infection was removed, the victim's romantic feelings for their love also disappeared. Doing that was impossible for Donna. But she was way too afraid to tell you her feelings ... \

Angie : You have to tell him/her/them your feelings Mommy ! Or else you'll die !

Donna : I I can't ... E Everyone started rumors and I don't want to annoy him/her/them with that ... Moreover He/She is|They are only my guardian ... it will never be possible for us to be more ...

Angie : That's not true you know that ! And you shouldn't care about other's opinions !

Donna : It's no use Angie ... I I'm ugly anyway ...

/ Before Angie could retort, Donna began coughing up blood and petals. But this time it was much more serious. It was the first time, since she had the symptoms, that she coughed up blood. Of course the dollmaker became to panick a lot ! This time she couldn't hide it .. but anyway Donna couldn't because you arrived suddenly in the room\

(Y/N) : Ah Donna there you are ! I was looking for-IS THAT BLOOD ?! And petals ?! Oh god Donna are you alright ?!

Donna : I I ... I It's ...

(Y/N) : Don't worry I'll take care of that ! Go lay down I'll call a doctor right away !

/ Donna didn't have time to say anything as you dragged her into the bedroom to lie down. Then you called the doctor directly. Several minutes passed and you were in the room holding Donna's hand. Panic and fear were on your face. It looked so bad, how could you not notice !? You felt so bad, you felt like you had been the worst guardian ever. Even tears began to roll down your cheeks. Donna tried to calm you down but it was complicated to speak because of the petals.
The doctor finally arrived at the house and began to do analyses on Donna. You were waiting in the living room. After an hour, the doctor came back to you\

(Y/N) : So Doctor ?! Is she alright .. ?

Doctor : Well ... it seems that she has the Hanahaki disease.

(Y/N) : Hanahaki ... disease ? But isn't it a legend or something ?

Doctor : I thought so but it seems not. And according to the results, the symptoms started to develop four weeks ago.

(Y/N) : I see ... can it be cured .. ?

Doctor : Yes there is an opperation for that. But if she does it, her feelings toward the person will completly dissapear. So it is only up to her. Or to cure it, the person has to feel the same as her.

(Y/N) : I .. see.

/ Meanwhile, Donna was with Angie on her bed. She was feeling bad for making her guardian sad. And now you know everything ... She didn't know what to do anymore. Her heart and lungs hurt a lot. She was suffocating\

Angie : Mommy ... you must tell him/her/them. Please ... you have to ...

Donna : I ... I guess I'll try.

/ The Doctor left after a few minutes. You went to her room. A long and heavy silent settled in the room. You looked at each other for a moment. You decided to sit next to her\

(Y/N) : Why didn't you tell me anything... I'm supposed to protect you ... you can tell me anything.

Donna : I ... it's complicated ...

(Y/N) : It's about that person right .. ? Listen I didn't know you had s someone you love ... I never saw you with someone so ... wait ... is that person-

Donna : Yes it's you !!

(Y/N) : Y You love me ... ? All this time ?

/ Donna nodded, starting to cry. You took her in your arms, trying to consol her\

Donna : I I'm sorry ... I know you don't feel the same way and-

(Y/N) : What ? Are you kidding ? Of course I feel the same way !

/ Donna looked at you, shocked. Her lungs didn't feel full now ... they were .. freed. Her heart didn't hurt anymore \

Donna : What ... ?

(Y/N) : I never .. dared to tell you because of all the rumors. I thought it might embarrased you .. moreover I was telling myself I was only your guardian ...

/ Donna kissed you right away after you finished talking. You obviously kissed back. That's how a pure and magnificent love was born. And we could see a new flower growing but not inside Donna's lungs this time but in the garden : signature of their new love \

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