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Y/n, Aisha, and Miguel wore their Gi's as they "practiced" while the rest of the kids all stood around talking to each other.

"Why'd I let you talk me into this? This goes against everything I stand for. It's like extra gym class for no reason " Demetri argued.

"Let's just give it a chance, you saw the fight. Miguel kicked as. Plus you've seen the moves y/n shows us" Eli Insisted.

"Okay, today we begin," Johnny said while his eyes batted around the room, no one paying attention or listened. "QUIET!"
"Face front" they all did as they were told meanwhile Johnny walked in between them.

Reaching Demetri he looked down at his shirt "nice shirt" "thanks" Demetri smiled looking at his shirt "I'm joking. It sucks"

As he continued to walk around he kept criticizing other kids "when I look around this dojo, I don't see Cobra Kai material. I see losers, I see nerds. I see a fat mod with a funny hat with his tits popping out. But in my short time as a sensei, I've also seen some miracles" Johnny spoke looking over at the three in their Gi's.

"So, maybe there's some hope for you yet. But first, I need to see where you're at. So everybody, fall in!" Everyone looked at each other confused. "That means line up" Johnny added.

They lined up behind the three "no not line up in a line. Lines! Get in lines!"
"You mean like rows?" Demetri asked.

Johnny covered his face with his hands "ugh" he mumbled.
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"Fighting positions, jab punch." some kids threw the punch "nope, wait till I say go."


"Hey, lip."
Eli looked up at Johnny "yeah, you. The one with the freaky lip. Who do you think I'm talking to?" Y/n sighed feeling Johnny picking on the kids again. "Excuse me, uh Mr. Lawrence.." Demetri spoke.

"sensei Lawrence!" Aisha corrected.

"Okay...you really should make fun of someone's physical appearance" Demetri defended. "Oh, is that so? So I'm not supposed to mention his lip at All?" Johnny pointed at Eli.

"Well, yeah.."
"Maybe that what they teach you in school, but in the real world, you can't expect people to do what they're supposed to do."
Demetri didn't respond and only nodded.

"Alright. You hear that, Lip? If you can't handle someone making fun of you, how are you gonna handle an elbow to the teeth" Eli everted his eyes away from Johnny.
"By calling the police?"

"Dude nock it off" Miguel spoke softly.
"What? He does realize the Nazis lost the war, right? Why should I be scared of him? Because he's got a snake on his wall? It's not like he's a teacher who can give us a bad grade. We're paying him. He works for us. It's not like he can actually hurt us." Demetri protested.

Johnny made his way up to Demetri "oh shit.." Miguel muttered. "Are you done?"

"Hit me. Go Ahead, hit me. Strike me right here" Johnny pointed to his face. Demetri got into his stance before throwing a punch that was easily blocked by Johnny. "Harder"
Doing it again Johnny blocked them down harshly. "Is that all you got, princess?"

Going in for one last time Johnny flipped demetri to the ground and going down to "punch him" as the other kids gasped. "Let that be a lesson to all of you" Johnny pointed at the students.

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"Yeah, but you can't quit" Miguel protested at Demetri's idea.
" I got yelled at, got my ass kicked, and then gave him my money, you know who lives like that? Hookers." Demetri replied.

"Yeah, but he's not that bad of a guy " y/n chimed in  "You gotta give him a chance, you don't know him like I do" Miguel added.

That made Demetri scoff "that...that's hooker talk. Besides. I d don't need to learn karate when I have you"
Kyler sees them and turns away. "See nones gonna mess with you"
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"Alright everyone fall in..where's everyone..?" Johnny walked out of his office looking around the room no so full as before. "Nose ring? Slingshot"

"They quit, sensei" Miguel responded shifting between each leg. "Are you serious?" Johnny stared around with his mouth gaped open. "I mean, good. That was a test. I wanted to see who the quitters are. Not you guys" Johnny said pretending as if he didn't care he lost a "few" students.

"You're in it to win it, right? You could be at home playing your Icomputers, playing your video games, eating candy. Instead, you're here, doing push-ups, learning how to fight." Johnny continued.

"Lip. Look. Even Lip's tougher than those guys. He's no quitter" Johnny pointed straight at Eli.

"Could please you not call me that?" Eli spoke quietly.
"Excuse me, what?"
"I-I said Could you please not call me that," Eli repeated.

"Um, I'll warm them up yeah? " Y/n spoke up trying to change the topic. "No, no, lip has something he wants to say.  Sorry, speak up, Lip. Or is your tongue messed up too? Are you one of those challenged kids?" Johnny spoke walking up to Eli.

"Um, the doctor said I could be on the spectrum," Eli answered. "I don't know what that is, but get off it pronto. All right? If you don't want me to call you "Lip" don't have a weird lip. Cant, you get surgery?" Johnny babbled on.

"I was born with a cleft lip. This is the scar for the surgery." Eli informed. "You mean it was worse before that? Or did the doctor just screw up? Because if this is the after photo, that sucks, man. You should sue."

"Can we just please change the topic...?" Eli felt himself become more insure

. "You don't think I want to? It's tough when it's right in front of me. You wanna be something other than a nerd with a scar on his lip, you gotta flip the script. Okay? Get a face tattoo or gouge your eye out. We'll call you "Patch", all right? No, don't do that one. You'll still look like a freak." Johnny took a step back.

Eli held his hands in fist before walking out of the dojo. "Oh, Great, really another quitter?" Johnny retorted.

"Damn it, man..." y/n mumbled shaking her head before following behind Eli.
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"Eli- Eli!" Y/n yelled out while trying to put on her shoes. Successfully putting on both shoes she ran in front of him. "Dude slow down!"

Eli looked up at her tears filling up his eyes. "you gonna make fun of me t-too?" His voice cracked. "what? No, no! come on you know he didn't mean anything he said" y/n put her hands on his shoulders.

"you're only saying that because you know him better" Eli looked at her with a tear streaming down his face. "Come on now..don't cry" y/n frowned.

"How-how about this we hang out after karate today yeah? Get your mind off of this?" Y/n smiled softly wiping any tears that streamed down Eli's face.

"r-really..." he smiled a little. "For sure, pick you up at 7?" Y/n asked. Eli nodded before hugging y/n "thank you...for everything" Eli mumbled into her shoulder letting out a few sobs. "no need to thank me, that's what friends are for right?" Y/n patted his back.

After that, the two parted and y/n went back to the Dojo and got back in her spot.

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Word count: 1271

Well here's a chapter :))
how cute anyways hope you enjoyed
sorry for any spelling errors.
Also, I think I already used that picture but whatever- 💀


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