"Percy! Want to join us?" I looked over to Frank and Jason who were sitting on the nabouring couch, playing call of duty on a PS4. I glanced at them. "Nah, I'm fine." I told them. To be honest I found the prospect of them playing call of duty rather cute. Just about everything they were doing in the game I had already done in real life. "Percy, what do you think?" I looked up and my mouth dropped open. Piper had forced Annabeth into a long, dark blue, Greek style dress. It graced her gentle curves in just the right places and of course the color was perfect too. In other words she looked like a godess. "Ahm Percy?" Annabeth asked.

Piper pov.

"Ahm Percy?" Annabeth asked when Percy just stared at her open mouthed which I had to admit made me want to squeal. The part that I liked even better was that Annabeth's cheeks had turned slightly rosy. "You look beautiful." Percy commented and quickly went back to what ever he had been doing. Annabeth looked down at herself looking very self conscious. Did she for once really care how she looked? "Percy is right. Girls?" Piper and Selina nodded aprovingly. "Annabeth, this is perfect, now the make up."

»»»»»»»»»line beaker««««««««

I was sitting in the back of our car again with Annabeth sitting next to me. For tonight I had chosen a simply black dress Luckily Taylor didn't live to far away. "Do I have to do this?" Annabeth asked for what felt like the tenth time. "Yes, you do." I replied. She groaned, "I need to pack my bags for tomorrow. I don't have time for this." I smiled at Annabeth patiently. It was always like this with her. "You are accompanying me on this party and you are going to enjoy your self." I told her sharply. She finally shut up. "How long will this take?" I smiled at her patiently. "A while." I glared at her hand. "You trust me, right?" Annabeth hesitated. "Yes," I smiled at my sister. "Good, you will be fine. I promise." She gave me a skeptical look. "Relax, just be your usual wise self and you will be fine?" Annabeth gave me a even more skeptical look."

"Piper, we are nearly there." Jason informed me. "Okay, you two will have to wait in the car. Taylor has her own security staff that will be protecting the property tonight and sadly you two wearn't invited. I could see Jason grimace in the mirror. Percy's face stayed as impassive as ever. I decided that I definitely liked Percy when he was smiling. When he wasn't he looked much harder than a person his age should. Jason was quite mature most of the time and nearly always behaved properly. With Percy you could tell that he wasn't mature by nature. I wouldn't have been surprised if someone told me he had been a trouble maker or prankster at school. He has this unnatural calmness that always became apparent when least you expected it and it was slightly unnerving. Luckily the guy that was destined to date Annabeth needed to be extremely patient and calm. Although she was probably the smartest person I had ever met she was a bit naive in somethigs.

Slowly the sound of music reached my ears and I looked up. We where approching the huge house. "Girls. We will be parking a bit off and then wait for you outside the front foor. If you have problems then give us a call. Just make sure it's really important because I will be kicking down the front door if you call me." I grinned at my sister. "You heard him. No calling for help just because you want to go home." Annabeth grimaced and I realized that this was one the few occasions in which I actually defeated one of her strategies. On the other hand I had no way to know what went on in that funny brain of hers.

"Okay girls. There is press at the front gate." Jason announce as Percy stopped the car infront of the house. I could see many other very expensive cars standing in a large drive way and the music was louder than ever and obviously came from the large house.

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