001 | The Encounter

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It was snowy cold day, and a certain hashira was walking through a thick and cold snow. He was given by a mission by Oyakata-sama, their master to inspect an incident from the mountains.

Man-eating demons we're lurking so he was sent to see and slaughter the demons. As usual, he was alone... No companion to talk to and only the harsh wind can be heard. The hashira then continued to sprint his way to the place when he sense a demonic presence nearby.

Giyu ran away from the place he was assigned to go and followed the presence. As he went faster the presence became strong and that is when he saw a two figures in snow.

The demon.

He jumped out the snow and took out his nirichin blade and was about to slash the demon's head when the boy suddenly held its head away and avoided his attack that made Giyu's eyes widen.

'What happened?' he thought.

He faced them and saw both in the tree, the boy seemed surprised but he didn't mind.

"Why did you protect her?" he asked the boy.

The boy still hugging the demon answered. "My younger sister. She's my younger sister!"

The water hashira then stared at the demon who tried to run out on the boy's grip.


"Is that your sister?" Giyu positioned himself and sprinted forward and snatching away the demon.

The demon brutally shouted and letting herself out of the hashira's grip. The boy screamed his sister's name but Giyuu interrupted him. The boy continued to take his sister away from him.

"Nezuko won't eat people!"

"I can't believe you said that." Giyu stated. "Weren't you almost eaten by her?"

Giyu stabbed the demon's chest with his blade and showed it to the boy, allthough the boy didn't budge and tried to kill him with an axe, but when he tried to swing it the hashira only dodge it and knocked the boy out using the end of his nirichin blade.

He looked down at the boy with no expression and was about to take him when the demon he was holding has got out and faced him with its long nails and exposed demon teeth. It positioned itself like it was protecting the boy from him.

He tightened his grip from his nirichin blade as the demon girl jumped and started to attack, but for all Giyu did is dodge it as if it was nothing and kick it. He didn't care whether it was a girl, it's a demon now.

And demons must be killed.

As the demon continued to attack Giyu took the chance to push it away and knocked it out by chopped its neck with his hands. Both bodies were laying in the thick cold snow, he was about to take it when he felt another demonic presence.

And this time... it was strong.

"Well... what do we have here?"

The water hashira then stopped when a male voice spoke. The demonic presence he have sensed a little while ago became strong.

"Kibutsuji Muzan..." those were the words that came out the water hashira's mouth when he faced the man, just behind him.

A man in embroidered black tuxedo and has black curly hair with a black hat in covering his head and face, although his dead cat like eyes can be seen and were like piercing through his soul. Somewhat the man's presence, blood can be seen dripping in his sleeves.

"Another annoying child of Ubuyashiki, I presumed" the man then swished the blood out his hands.

The water Hashira then took out his nirichin blade and pointed it at the Muzan.

"I mean no harm... Demon Slayer" Muzan raised both of his bloody hands in the air.

'What?' Giyu's eyebrows shot up.

"Hand over that demon... and the boy."

Confused, but Giyu didn't listened and started to attack. He swish his blade and jumped the snow and was about to slash Muzan.

But Muzan sighed and moved his bloody hands down before swishing away the hashira with the use of his fingers. But Giyu didn't give up and continued to attack Muzan.

And without even noticing he started to protect the two figures that he kept from Muzan, both were unconscious and he was sprinting as he tried to take them to a safe place.

He'll kill the demon girl later...

"Do not be like that, slayer. I just want the girl and the boy" Muzan exclaimed as they both chase through the snowy mountain.

"Water Breathing Sixth From: Whirlpool"

He again strike Muzan and ended up slowing the demon. He stopped and put the siblings down behind him and faced Muzan, who is constantly in front of him.

"Water Breathing Tenth Form: Constant Flux"

As Giyu sprinted his way to Muzan, a water shaped like a dragon appeared that made the King of Demons amused. He pointed his fingers in front of Giyuu and suddenly made it disappear.

"You are indeed strong. Are you might be one of those so called Hashira?" Muzan smirked.

The water hashira continued to swing his sword towards Muzan who was dodging it, the two were like fidgeting spinners as they launch attacks and wounded each other. More so Giyu, who now couldn't grip his blade tightly is cannot feel his legs as the snow got stronger.

Muzan whose wounds kept regenerating find the slayer very interesting.

"Your master... Kagaya must be really proud of you" slowly, Muzan started to take a step towards Giyuu who is still protecting the unconscious sibling.

"Huh..." Muzan looked over the two figures but Giyu covered them. "You say you are a demon slayer, but ended up protecting one."

The tired water hashira didn't bother to answer his question. But instead, he slash his sword one last time and look over the man in front.

"Want do you want from... them?"

Muzan devilishly laughed. He took out the nirichin blade in his arms and took the poor hashira in his hands before choking him up the air.

"It is none of any demon slayer's business" the demon king seriously said.

Giyu felt that the hands in his neck started to get tighter as he felt his breath hitching. His body cannot move any longer and he have already lost lot of blood due to the attack of Muzan. Chocking up on his own blood and his vision started to get blur.

He was dying.

He knew that he is going to die. 


"Why are you always alone, Tomioka-san?"

A certain voice is what he remembered.


"Tomioka-san, can you stop being disliked"

"Isn't the moon lovely?"

In a verge of death, he can still her voice and her annoying questions.

"You are indeed interesting."

Those were the words he last heard and everything went black.


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