Day 1-Intro & Origins

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Dear diary,

My name is Pawn White Cookie, and this is my BRAND, NEW, SHINY DIARY!!! I'm really excited to write all sorts of things here, like chess match results, things about my twin and Pop, chess match results, and, uhhh...

Whatever! Lemme tell YOU, my diary, about your deep origins! Yaaay!!

My Pop, Earl Grey Cookie, told us earlier today that he was gonna go get us a surprise in a store! Me and Pawn Black were super excited. Eventually, we found out that Pop went to a really cool bookstore to get us diaries for us to read in! He looked real good (even though he can barely see! So funny!) to "select the perfect match" for us two. He was right-we got checkerboard diaries!

As you may know, me and Pawn Black really love chess. I mean, really, really, really, really, really times a bajillion love chess! I mean, we even look like little chess pieces. Rest assured (that's Earlese for "'cuz of that") we look real cool. Heehee!

Pop told us bout something cool that happened while he "went on an adventure to find lovely diaries". Gee, Pop talks real funny! I like it.

When Dear Old Dad was in the bookstore, he heard a familiar voice call his name. He recognized it and moved his head to see a giant tan-on-top, blue-on-bottom blur. Blueberry Pie Cookie! She's a librarian in a place called City of Wizards. I wish to go there someday with Pawn Black...only if Pop lets me, at least.

Anyhoo, Blueberry Pie and Pop chatted a bit and had fun, even though they had to say goodbye. I'm still impressed that my legally blind dad figured out how to get a perfect journal!

....oh, yeah. Crying Saucer helped. I've heard of having a seeing eye Cake Hound if you're blind, but a seeing eye PLATE? Wow, Pop, you're funny! He has a cane too, but it's still hilarious!

Pop also does something really silly looking a lot so he can actually see clearly, he puts his face RIGHT near something! Imagine he wanted to look at pie-he'd look like he wants to get a pie to the face! Haha!

Now, you have discovered your amazing superhero origins! Now you can be aware of your magical powers and conquer the world! MWAHAHAHA!

Heh, I got that off from a TV show my twin likes. It's called Kandy Rope Kid vs the Sour Squadron. It's really cool.

Now that this is done, I'll leave this entry off by saying that I hope this diary will contain lots of more fantastic entries and memories!
Bye bye!
Pawn White Cookie

Pawn White's Diary!! (AU story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz