12) Better Left Unsaid

Start from the beginning

"Really? Did she say anything to you?"

"She did."

"What did she say?"

"She told me to stay away from you. She said that I don't know you or the things that you do and that it's better I stay away from you. What does she mean? What was she talking about?"

Xue Yang shot up into a sitting position. His eyes went dark. "Wen Qing, that insufferable girl. The one person I have she wants to take away from me." 

"What is she talking about Xue Yang?"

"I think it's better left unsaid Xiao Ying."

"Why? Is it really that bad?"

"You'll leave me just like everyone else if I tell you. I don't have anyone else left. Please stay with me."

"I'm not gonna leave. I just want to know what happened."

"I told you. It's better that I don't tell you. The things I have done over the past 10 years have been horrendous. That's all anyone sees me as. A monster. I want to keep the one person who cares for me."

"If you don't want to tell me what you've done, that's fine. At least tell me what they did to you. I can tell... you're different now. Something bad must've happened to you while we couldn't see each other."

"If I tell you, do you promise to keep it between us? Do you promise to stay?"

"I promise."

"When I first got there, everything was alright. I met some nice senior brothers and sisters, and I met Wen Qing and Wen Ning. As the days flew by, I started to realize that some of the people there are not as kind. That's why Wen Qing is so protective of Wen Ning. Anyone could choose to hurt one of us at any moment and no one else would be phased since we all came from outside of the direct Wen clan. I began cultivation training, but training slowly turned into hell. They teach dark cultivation techniques which already takes a toll on anyone's body, then they push you over your limits. When I first started there were days where I was so tired I would pass out. Once I woke up they would beat me as punishment for not doing well enough. That continued for the next few years but I've worked hard enough to mean something to Wen Ruohan. If anything needs to be done he sends me out first."

Xue Yang's eyes had a far-off look in them, scared to look over at his only true friend, scared that she would judge him. Contrary to his belief, Xiao Ying could only hold in her tears as she looked at her best friend. Just how awful were they to change him so much? What could they have possibly made him do that he himself won't even talk about it? She had a good idea but chose to not think of it instead.

Xiao Ying laid her head on Xue Yang's shoulder. "I'm sorry they did that to you. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to, but you are my best friend no matter what you did."

Xue Yang laid his head on top of Xiao Ying's as they sat in silence, staring at the moon and the clouds. Time continued to pass them by but all they wanted was for time to stop.

I thought by now I wouldn't care as much, but all I want is to be with you. I wished the moon would never set, and the sun would never rise. 

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Hi guys! I'm finally back with a new chapter!!! It's a crappy filler chapter but..... a new chapter nonetheless 😁I really missed writing and talking to you guys :(

Thank you to everyone who is being patient with my slow af updates and hello to new readers! I love seeing all the comments you guys leave on this story. I don't know how it happened but an artist I follow on TikTok who makes beautiful water-color paintings popped up on my fyp today and her paintings of Wei Ying and Wangji made me really miss The Untamed so I spent my day watching old clips and interviews from the show and now I have the motivation to write again so this is what you are getting today.  

I really do miss writing this story though so I am trying to slowly ease myself back into writing this story but it's gonna take a while to get back into it since 1) I need to brainstorm all the scenes that don't happen in the drama since I am writing about an OC and a side character rather than the main character, 2) I need to change up the scenes that are in the drama so that my OC is in the scene, 3) actually watch the episodes again so that the script and the timeline are accurate, 4) make sure my own original scenes also work with the timeline, 5) figure out how I want this story to end so I can write the story that leads up to that specific ending, and 6) figure out what I want to happen between Xiao Ying, Xue Yang, and Xiao Xingchen since the two don't like each other.  (This is so much work it makes me tired just thinking about it) Lots of work will have to be done but I will try my best! 

With that being said I want to hear if any of you guys have ideas for the ending and the relationship between Xiao Ying, Xue Yang, and Xiao Xingchen. Just post your ideas on the comments for this specific paragraph and I can look through them because honestly, I'm drawing a bit of a blank lol I really don't know what to do for them😂

Also I got a comment from -_-Xiao-_-just a few days ago that pointed out something to me. They commented how Xiao Ying and Xue Yang are XY XY. I didn't even notice that until they pointed it out! I didn't do that intentionally so I need to figure out how I'm gonna write the scenes where they are with other characters like when Xue Yang gets caught by Wei Ying and Lan Wangji and gets tied up. If I use "XY" it might confuse everyone😂 

Also if you were having a bad day today just know that in this chapter alone you read 1612 words. That's more words than some people read in a whole week or even a whole year honestly! I'm proud of you for reading today! 

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