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I'm going to add this here just incase y'all forget:

- benchtrio (Tommy, Ranboo, Tubbo)

- beeduo (Ranboo & Tubbo)

- allium duo (Tommy & Ranboo)

- clingyduo (Tubbo & Tommy)

Enjoy reading!~ ^o^

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In the small town of L'Manburg, three boys run around the reddish brown brick streets as they regrouped after getting their stuff when their long day in school was over. A tall blonde boy with a red and white shirt as well as blue jeans, a brunette with a green polo & brown trousers, and then a darker brown haired boy that's taller than the blonde one, who's wearing a darkish purple sweater with a white collared shirt underneath it, green & red tinted circular glasses, black & white pants and a handmade paper crown. Their names were Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo. The three of them likes to be around with each other, sometimes causing ruckus to some people in L'Manburg, especially at old man Philza; and they also like to play games. They're currently on their way to their little shack that's located somewhere in the woods when they came across a fellow friend of theirs. A girl with a box head that has an orange and dark brown styrofoam cat ears & markings and a "owo" face written cleanly by a black marker. She's wearing a light yellow sweater and dark blue jeans. She's also carrying a sketchpad and three books.

"Oh hello Crumb! Nice seeing you around!", Ranboo greets the young girl. 

"Hello Rainbow, Tubbo and Tommi!", Crumb greeted back with a wave.

"We're going to do some weird sh*t in our shack, Crumb! Wanna come?", Tubbo offered. Crumb shook her box head and replied; "I've got chores and schoolwork that I need to do. Sorry! Maybe next time?". Tubbo went "alright" as the benchtrio went on their way to the forest with Crumb walking to the opposite direction.

They're finally in their wooden clubhouse that Tommy and Wilbur (his brother figure) used to hang around when they were young boys. The three guys put down their backpacks onto the side of the room and gathered around the  square table. "Do you have the thing, Ranboo?", Tommy asks the tall boy. "Oh yeah of course!", Ranboo responded and went towards his bag to grab a thick book. It looked like a spell book or something like that. 

"Are you sure this is a good idea, Tommy?", Ranboo asks as he puts the book down on the middle of the table. Tommy then replies with; "It's gonna be fiiiinee, Ranboo. No need to be a pussy about it". He then opens the book and starts skimming through the pages. Tubbo looked over the book and pointed a page that talks about opening portals. "Oooh we should do that! It looks fun!", Tubbo exclaimed. Ranboo peeks and his eyes widened in fear. "Ooh nonononono we ain't doing that!!", he blurted out as he takes the book away from Tommy's grasp. 

"Come on Ranboo! Like I said, it's gonna be fiiine", Tommy attempts to convince Ranboo. 

"Nuh-uh! I'm not going to let you guys create a portal to another world!! What if we won't be able to get back???", Ranboo forewarned. "Pleeaase big man! We'll just look at it! And even if we get stuck there, we got each other anyways!", Tubbo says. Ranboo went silent, knowing damn well that won't be enough to convince him. 

"Look Ranboo..", Tommy stepped up. "Our exams are already done and we're finished with our requirements for the next school year. And also, if something bad happens, I'll have to do whatever you say for the next five days". Ranboo stood in awe before responding with; "I actually want you to be my personal assistant for five days straight, so fine. But just this once". He opens the book to the portal page and read through it. "It says that we need to perform this in an area where it's okay to be messed up", he reads out loud. Tommy remembered something and says, "We can go to the abandoned building that's just across the stream". Ranboo and Tubbo looked at him and then decided to go there. Once they got their bags, they soon left to the abandoned building to do the portal spell. 

What could possibly go wrong?

The trio arrived after 30 minutes of travelling as they stood in front of a single storey semi-ruined building. "What even was this?", Ranboo muttered but was heard by Tubbo, who then answers; "I think it was a research facility or something". Tommy yoinks the spellbook out of Ranboo's arms and looked through its pages. He then tells Tubbo to get a stick and Tubbo complied. He then comes back with a broken twig and Tommy dictates him what to do. He then draws a circle and another circle inside of it but a bit smaller. Tommy squints his eyes to the language that needs to be chanted. Not being able to understand, he asked Ranboo to say it instead.

"𝙹!¡ᒷリ ↸𝙹𝙹∷ ℸ ̣ 𝙹 ᔑリ𝙹ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷ∷ ∴𝙹∷ꖎ↸ ᔑリ↸ ᓭ⍑𝙹∴ ∴⍑ᔑℸ ̣ ╎ᓭ ╎リ ᓭℸ ̣ 𝙹∷ᒷ"; which translates to: "Open door to another world and show what is in store" (it's basic, I know)

The circles started glowing in a green hue and everything around them started flying everywhere. And then, a glowing gateway replaced the circle that was written on the ground. The three were amazed by what they've just created. "THIS IS SO COOOOL!!!!", Tubbo exclaims while staring down at the portal. Ranboo moves two steps backwards so that he won't accidentally fall into the open gateway. Tommy, on the other hand, did the opposite and squatted down to dip his hand into the portal. "Woah ho ho ho!!", he lets out as he gets his hand off the circular portal. A gunshot was then heard from the portal and it startled the three boys. In an unfortunate fate, Tommy loses his balance and fell into the portal. Ranboo tried to grab him before he fell but was already too late. He looks at Tubbo, but Tubbo just shrugs.

"I guess we're going in..", Ranboo sighed. "Well if that's the case...Last one's a rotten red egg!!!!", Tubbo yells before hopping into the portal.

Ranboo lets out a deep and disappointed sigh as he glanced at the glowing gateway. "Tommy you owe me a ticket to see a musical in Moonstone Theatre...", he mutters and jumped into the portal afterwards.










"Where...Where the hell am I...??"

Tommy gets up and brushed the dust off him. Right beside him was Tubbo and Ranboo stacked on one another. Ranboo realizes this and immediately gets off Tubbo, allowing Tubbo to stand up. Ranboo observes the surrounding area. Everything was ruined and torn down. There were no signs of life forms around. "Looks like the people who used to live here are gone", Ranboo thought to himself as he observes the surrounding area.

"Well...this is gonna be a BIG problem..", Tubbo speaks.

"Yeah no sh*t...", Tommy blurted out.

"We should find shelter until we figure out how we're gonna get back home", Ranboo suggested.

Tommy and Tubbo agrees with Ranboo then began to walk away from where they landed.

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Aaand that's all for the prologue! Will start working on Chapter 1 later but I hope y'all like this silly crossover fic :D This is Author Harriet, peace out!!!

Word count: 1222

Stranded in an Unfamiliar Universe [Tankmen x MCYT/Benchtrio]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz