❔🌑 You are the True Fantasy 🌑❔

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[ MYTHICAL AU ] If you remember about the Mythical AU Designs, it should be easy to understand this. Also I will make some references to Omori soooo-)

I wake up in my mushroom house, and get ready to go claim my mission to see..

The Prince of The Overworld, Selever.

"Oh, hey my little fawn!" He greets me.
"Hi dear. I greet him back.

"What's with the long face?" He asks before grabs my hips

I twitch my ears to his movement before responding," Oh, I just didn't wake up with me in your arms like normal."

"Oh well- Y'know I have to do Royal & Boring stuff. After all, you know that you're about to be my Queen/King/Beloved Royal) of Hell!" He explains

(Also I put those 3 for different genderss)

Being one of the main leaders of Hell? That seems like a great placement! But.. I feel like it's overwhelming. But, if it makes Sel happy, then I'm obviously happy for him.

I trot to my fello centaur-like friends (like the design) and notice that they're talking about how the Overworld & The Forest are going to come together.

"Hey gang! What are you guys talking about?" I greet

"Oh! We're talking about you and your Boyfriend, and how our plots can combine!" Beverly explains

Beverly was a charcoal deer with a pastel pink flower on her hair. (Basically like Mari)

"Yeah, quite weird because how can Team Graceful & Team Overtake collide? By a foolish demon & deer?" Roger teases

Roger was a common cool autumn colored deer. (Similar to Kel)

"Hey, back off Roger." Russell protects

Russell was a rare coal colored deer that was bigger than the rest. He was also my Ex Boyfriend but he was cool with being just friends. Overall we call him RareSpear for it, quite the cool name. (Similar to Hero)

We talk for several hours until it was 7 SunTravels. (Hours)

I felt that I was swept off my feet by the one and only, Prince Selever.

"Bottom energy!" Roger taunts

"Oh shut it commoner!" Selever replies

Sel kisses me before we go down to my mushroom house to get some cuddles.

That was a fine night.

373 words, man this was good

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