'I am not wearing that thing' I hear him say while I undress myself, letting my dress pool around my feet. Now I am just wearing my white slip dress, petticoat and black corset. And after two days of wearing it, I am already comfortable with it all over again. I have to say a corset like this is in my opinion better than the bralette I was wearing back home.
'I look like the cupcake Peter sat on when he met that Archenlandian princess' I hear Lucy giggle and I cannot help but snort myself. I can remember that clearly; Peter sat by accident down on the cupcake a servant brought for the princess. She was so upset that he sat on her snack that she immediately wanted to go home.
'Yes, nothing says Prince Charming like that than gold and blue frosting all over your pants' Lucy snickers.
'Really Lucy?' Edmund says darkly. 'You see that thing too right? Awful' I hear him say and I look quickly at my two siblings. Edmund is looking at the dress shirt and Lucy sees me and winks. I snort once again and quickly disappear behind the screen. I finish getting into my dress as I button the last button up and walk out from behind the screen. My brother and sister look at me in awe and in truth, I don't like them staring at me like that.
'What?' I say, raising an eyebrow, what are they watching me. They have seen me dressed like this before...
'You look perfect as always' Lucy mumbles unenthusiastically as she snatches her own dress from the hanger and pushes past me and ducks behind the screen. I look at Edmund in bewilderment.
What did I do?
Edmund looks sad as he moves to grab his dress shirt. 'Wait Ed' I say, taking a step forward. 'I know that Peter has an old Narnian style of tunic and if you go to the tailor right now, he has one for you'
'How do you now?'
'When I woke up, I asked one of the maidens to bring one of the tunics you wear to the tailor and change it in the old style. That we like' I say, seeing a smile appear on my brother's lips. 'Thank you so much Su!' He says as he rushes out of the room.

And now, Lucy.

'Lucy? Are you okay?' But my sister ignores me as she walks from behind the screen. The dress she is wearing does her beauty no justice. It looks like she is literally glowing. Her dark blue dress is decorated with silver beats and white diamonds.
She is stunning!
'Lucy! What is wrong?' She wants to walk past me but I grab her wrist and twirl her around so we are face to face. She is staring at her fancy high heels and I see the hot tears stream her face. 'I'll never be as beautiful as you Su. You will alway be the pretty one and I am not...'
'Lu' I sigh, sitting down on the sofa that stands against the wall. 'It is true! Every man who meets you, falls immediately in love with you...' she sighs. 'Do you know what I would give for one look that Caspian gives you?'
'You haven't seen the way he looks at you Su. He is totally in love with you. How could he not be? You're the most beautiful queen there has ever been' She hasn't looked at me once telling her story.
'Lu. Listen to me' I say gently, taking her hand and pulling her next to me on the sofa. I take her chin in my hand, so she has to look at me. 'Lucy, you don't know how beautiful you are. I know your struggle. You have told me what you wished while you were on the Dawn Treader. I know. But Lu do you know how many times I've wished for your hair or your smile? You are so full of life and happy all the time and people see that and love you instantly. Everyone who ever meets you, loves you and not because your eyes or your face or your hair. But because of your kindness. You will always be your mother's favorite, the court, all our friends and even our own brother' I state, trying to hide my sadness as I say so.
The relationship she and Peter have, he is always so sweet and affectionate and brotherly towards her.
I blink my own tears away as I focus on Lucy once again.
'Lucy, you are only 13 but people listen to you. All people see when they look at me is my hair or my face but no boy has ever tried to actually get to know me or by the mane, talk about something other than how beautiful I am. And you don't know how lucky you are that suitors are constantly hitting on you' Lucy's eyes grow wide and a small smile appears on her lips. 'Don't tell the boys! But do you have any idea how many times I had to make excuses to excuses overly uhm eager suitors to leave court, they are all pompous, arrogant, stupid suitors' Lucy grins and wipes her tears away. 'And now you have someone who finally understands you and gets to know the real you' She quietly says as she throws her arms around me. I hug her tightly and for minutes we sit like this; both mighty queens but also young girls, sisters who would do anything for each other. Lucy is the first to pull away. 'Shall we go to your room? Then can the ladies in waiting help us with our hair and make-up!' I smile as I see that the joy is back in her eyes. 'Yes'

The queen of the Horn - A suspian fanficWhere stories live. Discover now