Chapter One

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As i opened my eye's i see a man with white hair and light grey eye's he also seemed to have dots on his face. I think i know what those are called f-freckles i think that their are called he seems to be wearing a white lab coat and work shoes. But i confused on how i know all of this i-it's like the information was shoved into me. As i was trying to process what was going on the man infront of me spoke.

"Hello Android 82 how are you feeling"

Huh is that my name A-Andriod 82 how come i didn't know

"You must be confused i mean you just woke up and all. Do you have any questions to ask or maybe your uncomfortable in anyway"

I am confused i can't comprehend anything maybe I should take him up on his offer "Is Andriod 82 my name and who are you where am I how come i don't know anything I-I dont understand how i know all this random things. Please i want to understa-" before i can even finish i was cut off bue the man in front of me.

"Wow ok one question a time ok um so Android 82 is what we call you so I guess that is your name for now. And as for who I am my name is Professor Hisashi Midoriya a engineer who creates artificial intelligence or as known in the field as an AI. And your in my private lab you probably don't know anything because you were just activated. And i programmed a bunch of different types of systems in you from real world knowledge like languages, cultures, history and etc. To fight and codes to help you out when you need it so that's about it.

I was shocked im an AI so in other words a robot and this person in front of me who calls himself Hisashi Midoriya created me. Things started to make sense but i still had one question i really wanted to ask and he did say i can ask him questions here goes nothing.

"Mr. Hisashi sir"


"What was the purpose of my creation"

(And that's where im gonna end it for today please leave comments on what you like or what you think I can improve on. Also the shindeku won't start until much later on in the story and that pretty much it. Your friendly author is out peace 😄✌)

My Robotic Heartحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن