Incorrect Quotes!

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Quackity: Oh, so you suddenly don't have a death wish?

Techno: Quackity, i've never had a death wish, it's just that I don't believe that I personally can die.

Wilbur: There will come a time where you have the chance to do the right thing

Techno: I love those moments, I like to wave at them as they pass by

Tommy and Wilbur: ...

Sapnap : What's your favorite color?

Dream: George

Sapnap: ...

Dream: I mean- What was the question?

Techno: Why are you squeezing me with your body Phil?-

Philza: It's called a hug, Techno.

Tubbo: I have good news, and bad news, which do you want to hear first?

Dream: ...

Dream: Good

Tubbo: It's very unlikely that I will ever, EVER do it again! :D

George: I have a bad feeling about this

Dream: What do you mean?

George: Don't you ever get that little voice in your head that tells you if something will get you in trouble?

Dream: No?

George: That actually explains a lot

Dream *to therapist* : Are you sure your a therapist?

Therapist: Yes! Now I'm going to ask you guys (dream, tubbo, bad) some questions! Alright, this will be easy. Your favorite childhood memory?

Tubbo: My what now?

Tommy: Ugh. My head hurts

Techno: That's your own brain trying to comprehend it's own stupidity.

Wilbur: Hi! You must be Technoblade. Phil's told me a lot about you.

Techno: Oh yeah? What am I allergic to then?

Wilbur: The full spectrum of Human Emotion.

Philza: Remember, murder is never the answer

Dream: Of course. Murder is the question.

Techno: ..and the answer is YES

Wilbur: Small creatures are way more vicious. It's because there's less room to contain they're anger.

Techno: Thats ridiculous. Name one example.

Sapnap: Wasps

Tubbo: Bees!

Tommy: Spiders

Dream: George.

-George smacks Dream-

Dream: See?

Tubbo: -sneezes-

Dream: -on the ceiling, in the shadows- Bless you

Tubbo: ...

Tubbo: God?

George: Alright, whats the game plan?

Dream: Relax, your so small they probably can't see you

George: Is this really the time to be making short jokes?

Dream: dear George, there's never not a time because just like you, life is short.

Wilbur: You can only attract what you fear

Sapnap: OmG, I'M sO ScaRed Of 10 BilLioN DolLaRs

Techno: I'm going to bed early tonight

Techno: ...

Techno: Is that the sun?

Tommy: Whom't'd've consumed my ice juice?!

Techno: Should I call the exorcist?

Tubbo: I hath consumed the ocean sauce

Philza: Call the exorcist.

Philza: You need to apologize. Be a man Tommy. 

Tommy: I don't want to be a man, I want to be an angst ridden teenager who can't confront his own inner demons and takes it out verbally on others instead.

Philza: Well, your doing a fine job.

Tommy *Reading the shopping list*: How dumb do they think we are?

Tubbo: Sometimes Dream or Techno leaves me pictures of food instead of the shopping list 

George *To Dream and Sapnap*: Your both dead!

Sapnap: I think you mean drop-dead gorgeous 

Techno: Don't touch anything

Tubbo: Yes sir!

Techno: don't call me 'sir'

Tubbo: ...

Tubbo: ma'am

Hope you enjoyed these things I found on the internet, more to come later!~

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