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Everything seemed to have fallen back into place, returning everything back to normal. The only piece missing was the Northern Star herself. The first night was hard. Lady Dimitrescu had laid in bed restlessly and was unable to sleep. There wasn't warmth in the bed of strong protective arms to hold her. She tried hugging Stea's pillow with her eyes closed and nothing changed. So she had began her habit of sitting out on her balcony with a book, blanket wrapped around her shoulders and a cup of lavender tea, sometimes she had wine when she needed a little extra comfort.

This habit has been going on for a week. As usual she has Lizzy assist with her nightly routine: undress, bath, pajamas, brush hair out. Alcina found the presence welcoming, but at the same time Lizzy is a thorn in her side that only contributes more to her missing of Stea. They often spoke of Stea's past and how she always got into trouble and always managed to get out of it.

"Would you like me tell you another story about Stea tonight, my lady?" Lizzy is busy removing pins from the matriarchs hair.

"I never tell you this but I love your hair. I'm sure Stea likes it more than I do." Lizzy giggles to herself as she removes each pin to allow curls to fall and be free. Lady Dimitrescu gives Lizzy a small smile as memories of Stea running her fingers through her hair come to her.

"She does. Her fingers tend to find their way into my hair. Sometimes she will wrap a curl around her finger just to let it go and watch it uncoil."

"She loves you a lot. Let me tell you something she won't tell you. It's too embarrassing!" Lizzy laughs softly as she grabs the brush to brush the matriarchs hair. "Every single time Stea saw a pretty girl, when she was Christina, she would always run into something because she couldn't pull her eyes away. The best one was when she saw some cheerleader and fell down the bleachers. I'm talkin this asshat fell from all the way at the top to the bottom! She was bruised for days!" Lizzy laughs at the memory. Lady Dimitrescu smirks to herself knowing well that Stea has a staring problem and the many times she has caught her staring.

"Oh oh! She also has this pressure point in the back of her neck closer to her shoulder. If you squeeze if she just crumples to the ground. Her other friends did it whenever she wouldn't shut up."




"Yeah?" They both stop as Lady Dimitrescu releases a slightly frustrated sigh.

"Pet." She says the nickname in a more serious tone.

"Yes Lady Dimitrescu?" Lizzy now catches on to what she was doing.

"Language. I will have Bela give you a lesson on proper language. Now. Get me my nightgown. Any color will do." Lizzy sets the brush down and goes to the closet. She looks through the various nightgown styles and colors.

"Any specific style you would like, my lady?" Lizzy calls out. Alcina looks out the window to the night sky with a soft smile. The Northern Star is out tonight.

"Something a bit risqué." Lizzy looks at the nightgowns and chooses one that is red and made of silk and most likely will only stop halfway down the matriarchs thighs. The straps are spaghetti straps and to top it all off, red lace lines the low cut of the neckline and the bottom of the nightgown. Lizzy also picks out lacy panties to match. The blue haired girl exits the closet to hand Alcina the garments. The matriarch goes behind the beautiful decorated changing screen. When finished the older woman steps out with a warm smile.

"Perfect. Thank you pet. No tea tonight. You are dismissed." Lizzy bows her head as she leaves. Lady Dimitrescu wraps her blanket around her shoulders and grabs herself a glass of Sanguis Virginis and steps out onto her balcony.

"Hello Draga mea." The night is warm with a light cold breeze with the sky perfectly clear. The moon is half with stars dancing about the dark sky. The brightest star of them all stands out to put on more of a show. "I wish you were awake. Needless to say, my dear, I never knew I would miss another's touch so much as I currently am. I miss your snarky comments too." Alcina sips her wine with a light smirk tugging at the left corner of her still red painted lips.

"It is rather hard to imagine that a lady my age would act this way. Do you find it amusing?" Alcina looks up at the star as it twinkles. The matriarch takes the twinkling as a response to her question as she smiles with a light laugh.

"Daniela and Elizabeth have grown to be friends. Daniela seems to take joy in scaring the poor girl whenever she can." Alcina takes another sip of her wine. She takes a deep inhale and holds it for a few seconds. She releases it slowly, calming herself to some degree.

"We will decide in the coming weeks what to do to bring the coven back to order. So far we all agree that Mother Miranda's corpse will be burned. On a brighter note, I have also taken to looking through wedding gown fabrics for my dress. My tailor and I have combined our ideas and I can only imagine your reaction when you see me in it." Alcina smiles lovingly as she imagines Stea's reaction. Jaw dropped wide open in a gawk as pupils dilate and arms held outward trying to grab onto her. The matriarch finishes her wine with a purr as she savors the warmth that runs down her throat.

"I bid you good night Draga mea. Perhaps you may wake in the morning." Alcina enters her bedroom, leaving the starry night behind to continue dancing and twinkling.

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