012. the not so secret life of a bionic hero

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( the not so secret life of a bionic hero ! )

CHAPTER TWELVE( the not so secret life of a bionic hero ! )

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AURORA WAS CURRENTLY IN THE MAN CAVE RESEARCHING CRIMINALS with charlotte. they have been at this humdrum task for hours while henry sat on the circular couch, scrolling mindlessly through his phone. it was a slow day. the criminals of swellview seem to have collectively taken a break of causing absolute havoc on the city, therefore, the demand for crime fighting was very low.

"you know, this whole thing will go a lot faster if someone would help us out and not just stay on their phone all day," said aurora, spinning the chair around to face henry.

henry glanced at her before looking back at his phone. he did a double take, not fully taking in her words, "i'm sorry, what?"

aurora rolled her eyes before turning back to face the monitors. "you know he'll rather do anything else than this," charlotte told.

"and i don't blame him. we've been going at this for hours and i'm starting to get cranky."

"well you're about to get more irritated," charlotte said, "we still got ten more people to look over."

aurora groaned as she threw her head back, "oh my god this day blows."

her phone suddenly started going off. the loud alarm echoed around the room and aurora's heart dropped to the pit of her stomach. she knew that alarm sound. a mission alert.

sure, she gets mission alerts here and there, but never at work or around her friends. she just got lucky that she never got one when she was around them. right now, however, luck wasn't on her side. she quickly got her phone out of her pocket and saw the urgent mission alert text plastered on her screen. henry's head shot up from his phone, "what's that noise?"

"uh... my new ring tone," aurora replied, silencing her phone.

charlotte raised her brow, "why would you choose that as your ringtone?"

"oh, you know, to... alert me?" aurora said, almost in a question. "uh sorry char, but you're gonna have to check those criminals on your own. i have to go," she said as she got up from the chair and ran to the elevator.

"woah, where are you going?" charlotte asked.

"mom wants me home. i'm sorry, i really have to go," aurora got into the elevator, "see you guys later! byeeeeeee!" she waved at them as the elevator door closes.

𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐀𝐆𝐀𝐈𝐍. ❪ henry hart ❫Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora