Chapter 3: I'm not alone

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Vivi always loves me, in fact she never let me leave her side. Vivi and her family lives in the forest, part of the country
She has no friends, no other relatives to call, it's just her family and me.
One time, when me and vivi were playing outside in the forest we almost got lost...

One time, when me and vivi were playing outside in the forest we almost got lost

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

But, luckily vivi found the way back and she thought I was there following her...
Later on, she then realized that I wasn't there anymore. I believe she looked around everwhere but no traces of me. Later on,she got worried and decided to tell it to her parents,she cried alot since that day. They tried to find me for days but-still no tracks of me.
A week has passed.
And they found my collar and vivi's parents told her that I died. Vivi tried to forget all of this,so she can move on her new life...Without me.

I'm not worried anymore. The important thing is i'm with her and she...actually name me
-Back to vivi-

"Noodle! Poodle! That's gonna be your name from now on!" I smiled with a bright light behind me. "Arf!arf!arf!" Noodle said with an exciting voice.
At first, I thought i'll be alone in this new strange world...until noodle came into my life but I felt a de ja vú when i'm woth noodle...could she be my los-nah that's not possible my dog died 10 years ago.
The important thing is i'm happy with noodle, the happiness i've never felt when I was a kid

But I wanna know the reason behind all this...what was the reason?

All I know is that...

I'm not alone.

-Vivlyn lee

If the world was purpleNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ