Worst Day of my life >:(

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Hi, I'm Y/N you may think this is another basic story about one of those basic bitches in my class, but no I'm not like them. I like.... video games, and like not wearing makeup. Let me tell you about my day. It was so god awful I get bullied for obvious reasons it's because everyone's jealous of me.

Anyways I was having normal f-cking day until I woke up to my alarm. It was actually the screams that they use in crime documentaries. I got up even if I didn't because I'm very underage and still in high school. Like who thought it was a good idea to ship a minor and a literally revived corpse that sparkles. 

I quickly throw my bright blond hair that I probably hate for whatever reason in a bun, idk maybe it just makes me stand out because I'm always beautiful. Then I walk over and don't put on any make-up because I have perfect skin, to begin with. Even when you see a picture of me clearly wearing eyeliner and concealer no you didn't. 

My sweet Mom who probably secretly mean for me for like 4 chapters for no reason tells me to have a good day. I grab a piece of plain, utterly plain toast and shove it in my mouth like an actual animal. And ride my hoverboard skateboard on my way to class. Of course, I'm never gonna get there.

I walk through the halls looking at the floor because I'm like super shy. But have literally zero mental disorders or even a stutter I'm just a shy little bean 0w0. I watch the most popular boy in school walk past me he never looks in my direction. Might be the fact I'm average looking and haven't spoken to him once. 

I miss one of the bells which means I'm late.

"Y/N! YOU  MISTAKE OF A PERSON YOU HORRIBLE CHILD WHO FAILS EVERYTHING THEY EEVR DO AND ARE TERRIBLE GO TO THE OFFICE OU HAVE DETENTION FOREVER!" My teacher screams at me. I should have expected this because teachers insulting students and not just telling them to grab a pass makes total sense. 

With my head down in pure shame, i head to the principal, at least in this fic I don't fall in love with him. Probably because he looks old even if he's probably younger than vampire boy. Speaking of I see the pale ass popular boy waiting in the lobby with blood on his hands.

"Oh my god, he got in a fight what an idiot" I mutter under my breath. Like literally barely a whisper no idea why he could hear it like there's other people talking???

"what did you just say?!" He snapped at me, I just looked down remembering I haven't said something with an obnoxious stutter yet.

"I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I-I- I- I- I- I-I- I- I- I- I-I- I- I- I- I-I- I- I- I- I- don't know what you're talking about." That's so embarrassing I literally said I like 100 times, I don't actually know how many because copy and paste work well. He turned to me with bright red eyes. 

I should gasp in shock but like, there's been murders all around and my man is pasty white with dark hair and looks like a whole vampire so not really shocked. He glared his fangs at me the fact that nobody has noticed yet is kinda shocking. Like there's literally teachers all around do they just not notice anything. 

"You're not scared of me?" He askes me confused. I shrug there's not much to be shocked about in like 5 chapters you'll learn I'm a half-vampire, half-werewolf, half-demon, princess for some far-off kingdom even though this probably takes place in California. 

I glance into his red orbs and he looks into my glowing blue eyes. I slowly reveal my werewolf ears which are like blue or purple because screw normal colors, with my vampire fangs, and red bat wings because I'm a whole mess. He gasps then gets down on one knee.

"Please forgive me oh grand Princess I never meant to offend you please will you forgive me and as a token of forgiveness marry me." I just look at him and shrug. 

"Hey man what's your name, all I've been calling you is a sparkly dude." He got up fast towering over him because I'm 2 feet tall. 

"My name's Edwardo San Fransico because I never learned my real father's name, he abused me then abandoned me." He frowns.

"That's nice Ed but like I don't care about your backstory you weren't supposed to bring that up until chapter 10." I glared at him through the bright blue glowing of my eyes, because you know that's normal. 

Suddenly the door bursts open and in runs a dog?? Idk man he can talk ad stuff so how bad could it be.

He stood on his hind legs and promptly turned into a high school boy, seriously why do so many supernatural things pin after me. Please leave me alone to be a nerd in peace. 

"Please Y/N You must not marry this gross sparkly guy, trust I'll imprint on our children." He spoke

I cringed because ew gross, also screw kids those things suck. I looked at both of them and just slowly walked away until I saw my one true love in the hallway. Bella

"Bella please will you rule with me in the kingdom of hdoeahufbcoahvuor, will you marry me." Her face lit up with joy as I flew us into the sunset. 

Bella and Y/N lived happily ever after and Jacob and Edwardo died like they deserve both are weird and creepy we don't stand that here. 

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : May 05, 2021 ⏰

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