Chapter 9

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hey guys woop woop first update of the new year! :D haha i hope everyone had an amazing holiday <3 :) well here it goes please comment, vote and fan thankyou :) xx


(Marie's Pov)

I woke up the next morning cuddled comfortabley into George. I flicked my long blonde messy hair out of my eyes with my fingers and smiled at the sight in front of my face, George was still deeply asleep with his mouth hanging open only slightly looking adorable as ever. He looked so peaceful when he slept, I didn't want to move him but of course being the nice girlfriend I am I was going to wake him in some abrupt way. I stood up quietly and tiptoed to the front of George's bed I smirked to myself and then jumped up on top of George waking him instantly "Wha-what's going on?!" He said sitting up abruptly and rubbing his eyes groggily. I giggled sitting up and giving him a kiss on the cheek "morning baby" I said. "Goodmorning beautiful" he said with a tired smile he then rubbed his eyes and sat up completely. "Well that was a great way to wake up" He said. I smiled and scooted up next to him laying my head on his warm lap he looked down at me and smiled and started running his warm hands through my tangled hair. "So what are we going to do today?" I asked sitting up quickly. "Hmm well" He said " I have to leave for Vegas in a few hours" I frowned, I was happy he was living his dream but I was sad he would be leaving again for a few days "But we could walk down the coffee shop and get some drinks and then I dunno do whatever you would like until I leave" He said shrugging his shoulders. "Yeah that sounds fun" I said. "Alright" he replied nodding "Let me go change" "No your not changing" I said with a smirk. He looked at me confused. "We're walking to the coffee shop exactly as we are" I stated. "But I'm wearing a pink onesie" George said stomping like a child and giving me a pouty face. "Well tooooooo bad" I replied sticking my tongue out at him. "Please can I change my beautiful Marie?" he said giving me his puppy dog face, usually I couldn't resist it but today I was feeling rather evil. "NOPE" I stating loudly. "Now c'mon let's go" I said grabbing his hand and pulling him downstairs and out the front door.

"I can't believe you're making me do this" George said as we held hands walking towards the coffee shop. "oh c'mon it's fun" I said smiling. I looked around at all the people walking by us and staring I started giggling. "Apparently everyone else finds it entertaining too." We walked into the coffee shop of course getting stares from everyone. "Here I'll go order, go get us a table" George said kissing my cheek, I nodded and walked to the one table in the back. I sat down and smiled thinking about how great George was. "Marie?" A voice said. I snapped out of my daydreams and looked at the face in front of me, it was Damian. "What do you want?" I said annoyed. He laughed "You of course, but that's pretty obvious, I'm just here getting my morning coffee and I happen to see you're here gorgeous so everything works out perfectly" He said winking. I rolled my eyes. "PLEASE Damian just leave me alone i'm here with George and we're trying to have a good time before he goes to Vegas for a few days ok?" I said raising my voice. He glared at me "I'd be a way better boyfriend to you than George I know it, remember what I said? You WILL be mine. And you and your little boyfriend George better watch yourselves" He said before moving in closer to me and whispering in my ear "Wouldn't want anything bad to happen to him or yourself would you Marie?" He smirked evily and then walked out of the coffee shop glaring at George who was carrying our drinks to the table. "What was that about Marie?" He said setting our coffee's down. "Um it was nothing" I said nervously grabbing my coffee and taking a gulp "Ow ow ow" I said setting my coffee down and fanning my burning tongue. "Marie the coffee was hot" George said, like I didn't know that already "No shit" I replied sarcastically. He looked at me confused. "Are you ok? Everything was perfect until I saw that guy talking to you..what did he say?" "Ugh nothing George everything's perfect as usual ok? I just feel stupid for drinking burning coffee that's all" I said faking a giggle.

We drank our coffee's after they were cooled off and walked back in the direction of George's house. "Hey Marie look over there!" George randomly shouted. "Whaaat?" I said looking in the direction that he pointed, before I knew it he had picked me up and thrown me over his shoulder "Ahh George" I screamed giggling as he carried me like this the rest of the way towards his house. George opened his door and set me down lightly. "Thanks for the ride" I said winking. "No problem my lady" George replied bowing. "What time is it?" He asked. "Um almost 12:00" I said pulling out my phone. "Shit I have to go soon" He said. "Oh" I replied looking down. "I wish you would go with me" George said. "Me too" I replied quietly. George pulled me into his arms and kissed me gently. "Would you like to come to the airport with me? You could meet the rest of Union J before we leave" George said smiling. "I'd love to!" I replied. "Okay well let's go change and I have to finish packing George said. I smiled and headed up stairs with George. I grabbed my clothes from the previous day and my purse so I could use my hairbrush and makeup, I then walked to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and giggled at my appearance. I stripped out of my onesie and hopped into my jeans and jumper I then brushed through my long tangled hair and put oh minimal makeup. After I was done I smiled at my appearance and walked back into George's room, he was dressed looking amazing in some simple jeans and a plaid shirt. "Ready to go?" He said looking up after zipping up him suitcase. "yuP" I said popping the P. He picked up his suitcase and we walked downstairs and out the door towards his car so we could head to the airport.


sorry for the crappy ending to this chapter I wanna leave the airport scene for the next one :) please comment and vote it really does mean alot! thankyou! xoxo

The Boy At The Coffee Shop - A George Shelley Fanfic. (On Hold)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum