"Damn! He really is cute!"
Seungmin boosted.

I couldn't lie either, the male looked stunning and basically the exact opposite of how Changbin looked. What a perfect match

"Yeah! I might even-"

"NO!" Changbin snatched his phone away from us like a wild cat before I even finished my words.

Me and Seungmin giggled on the jealous male. "Yeah, he's just cute."

"Yes he is! I'm planning on meeting him toda-"

This time he was interrupted by someone tapping my shoulder from behind. I turned around to find the unexpected male in front of me.


"Hurry up Felix!" I shouted out to the male for literally the hundredth time. He was taking too long to get himself ready which annoyed me almost every time.

Felix was my roommate and the complete opposite from me except for the fact that we were both Aussies. Unlike me, Felix was always late to stuff because he took to long for getting ready.

Finally I saw him run out of his bedroom. "We're literally going to the park Chan, why are you hurrying!?"

"You take too long."

"I have to look cute okay!? It takes time to come up with this masterpiece."

I rolled my eyes at his words and headed out the door. He followed until we got into my car.

The park was a short drive away from our apartment so it didn't take long. As expected Felix was busy applying his cherry chapstick using the rear mirror and I could've cared less unless he's not bothering me.

We arrived soon enough and Felix quickly got off. I did too until I spotted a familiar group of people.

I could tell one of them was Jeongin because I basically had his back profile memorized in my head.

I told Felix that he was one of my students but I never got enough courage to tell him about the incident yesterday.

He only knew we had a few encounters and I found the younger attractive that's all.

We decided to approach them and I noticed his two other friends with him as well, invested in their own talks until I tapped Jeongin on his shoulder.


Jeongin gulped on seeing his English teacher all of a sudden and gave him a weak smile, trying to hide the fact that his heart was beating out of his chest.

Changbin and Seungmin eyed each other weirdly on the two's awkwardness until Changbin got a peak of the male behind Chan.

"Wait Felix?"

Felix pushed Chan away making him stumble a bit, a wide smile on his face by seeing Changbin unexpectedly.


The two hugged as if they were reuniting after years making the others have smirks plastered all over their faces.

"You guys know each other?" Chan questioned.

"Yeah! We've met on Instagram like..two days ago?" Felix said a bit questionably on the second part of his sentence, trying to recall when they had started talking.
Changbin nodded.

We all cooed at the two, "did you sext?" Jeongin asked blankly.

Chan coughed uncomfortably on his words and so did Seungmin. Felix was a blushing mess and Changbin kept cursing at Jeongin.


"You did!"

"..oh..Yeah I did.." Changbin realized before lowering his voice. "Well anyways, me and Felix have some catching up to do. Y'all can continue without us." The male said before grabbing Felix on his wrist and rushing out of the park to who knows where.

Seungmin watched the two leave with a clueless look and turned towards Jeongin and Chan who were shamelessly flirting in front of him.

"Uhm..so what brings you here Mr. Chan?" Seungmin asked trying to break the two from flirting anymore.

"Please! Call me Chan. I'm only your teacher at school not everywhere. Besides I'm only three years older right?"
Seungmin hummed in agreement.

"Well, me and my roommate Felix decided to go for a walk in the park today and I guess we stumbled upon my favorite students." Chan smiled.

"Changbin is your favorite student?" Seungmin questioned almost unbelievably that Changbin was considered a favorite to one of the most strict teachers.

"Well..two students at least." He whispered making both the two giggle lightly.

"So, do you two like ice cream?" Chan questioned more cheerfully.

"Like it!? I love it!" Jeongin shouted while throwing his fists in the air. Seungmin joined his cheering by jumping and clapping like a seal.

Chan smiled at the two before leading them towards the ice cream shop.

Chan being the humble person he is, gave the two as many scoops as the desired not able to resist the puppy eyes they gave him. That didn't end we'll either because of how much they had eaten and had to throw up in the public bathrooms. The two didn't stop there and dragged Chan to buy them almost everything they spotted.

The older didn't have a choice and just let them. This took up their whole evening and glad to say, they had a great time.


A/u note :
      Do you guys want Changlix POV ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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