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⚠️for mature audiences only⚠️
⚠️homophobic slurs⚠️

no one's pov
travis and sal were walking down the hallway together having a normal conversation about what they were going to do for the project. "do you wanna come over before we go to lake?" sal asked. "like right now? uhh...yeah i guess." travis chuckled. "okay then let's go." sal smiled. he grabbed his hand and sped up towards the school doors.

TIMESKIP TO SAL'S APARTMENT  (smut starts here⚠️)

sal's pov
some way or another me and travis walked into my room and ended up making out. things were getting hotter and heavier by the second. travis picked me up cause he saw i was struggling to reach him. luckily my dad wasn't home and off on a business trip until next friday.

no one's pov
travis laid sal down on the bed and got on top of him. he started kissing and making marks on his neck finding weak spot. "AH! tr-travis" sal moaned holding out his name. travis smirked. travis sat up and said "now before i go any farther i just wanna make sure you're o-" "yes, travis! just...please just continue." sally interrupted. "okay then." travis said taking off his and sally's clothes. sally reached over to his bedside table drawer for a condom. he threw it at travis which he caught and quickly put on. travis slipped into sally earning a rather loud moan from him. "nghhh~" sal loudly moaned leaning his head back. travis's hands were on sal's shoulders pinning him into the mattress. sally held onto his wrists whimpering while travis was groaning and grunting. ten minutes passed of this. travis grabbed a fist full of sally's hair while both of them reached their release. travis gets up and throws away the condom and reaches for the closest dirty shirt on the floor the wipe off sal's chest.

(smut ends⚠️)

travis's pov
i throw the shirt back down in the floor and put my boxers back on. i helped sally put his on and fell down beside him on the bed. i was in my head thinking about how could that feel so right but so wrong at the same time. it felt sooo right with sally...not anyone else but him. "i need a nap." sally said. "me too." i yawned. sally looked at my wrist watch and saw we still had a couple hours before we had to leave. "hm. okay..." he reached over me and grabbed his walkie talkie. he pressed the button and said "yo larry?" larry responsed "yeah?" as if he had just laughed and cried at the same time. "uhhh call me when you're about to start getting ready." i replied. he gulped and said "okay man. and sal?" "yeah?" i answered. "next time daddy phelps pipes you...turn your walkie talkie off." he said jokingly and disconnected. sal's cheeks burned a dark rose color. i couldn't help but laugh not only at sally's reaction but at what larry just said. he slams back down on the bed with his hands over his face almost laughing. "it's not funny! travissss!" he whines. "then why are laughing?!?" i laugh. after a while things cool down and we finally drift off to sleep in eachother's arms.


no one's pov
"hey sally face, travis...get your asses down here before i come up there." larry says through the walkie talkie. sally sits up and reaches over travis sleeping peacefully. "on it, larry face." sal says in a tired tone. he puts the walkie talkie down and places kisses all over travis to wake him up. "travis~" he says in a sweet tone kissing him on the neck. travis smiles and sits up. he looks at sally and puts his hand on the back of his head. he pulls him closer and kisses him passionately. sal kisses him back giving him the same energy. travis's hand slips up into the back of sally's hair slightly tugging it and pulling sal away from the kiss. "ah! what are you doing?" sally yelps at the sudden tug at his electric blue hair. travis smirks "ohhh little sally~." sal blushes and lightly pushes him "come on tell me what are you thinking about?" "hmm if you really just wanna know that bad...i'm thinking about sex- with you. again. shamefully." travis chuckles and looks away. "sinner." sal smirks. "aye." travis pulls sal closer to his face by his hair. their faces inches away travis says looking directly into sally's eyes "don't push your luck...sallyyy faceee." he kisses him again and let's go of his hair. he gets up and looks at sal's bright pink face staring back up at him. "heh." travis let's out putting on a pair of swim trunks and a white shirt. sal gets up and does the same.

sal's pov
i get ready and i feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist. "are you ready?" travis asks me. "i am." i reply leaning into him. "okay then let's go." he grabs my hand and pulls me towards the door. i follow and we go downstairs to larry's apartment. we walk into his room and see ashley, todd, and neil were already there. "okay i guess we're all ready." larry says leading us all out to ashley's car. "looks like their isnt enough seats sooo somebody is going to have to sit in somebody's lap." ashley explains. everyone looks at me. "dude i'm sorry but you're the smallest." larry says. i sigh and look up at travis. he nods in agreement. we all pile into the car. i sit in travis's lap leaning against the car door. he puts his arm around my waist and pulls me into him. ashley starts driving  and we all start having different conversations amongst ourselves. "hey larry, do you have a cigarette?" travis asks. "yeah man. here." he hands him one and the lighter. he lights it "thank you." he gives the lighter back. "no problem." he responded.  travis lifts my mask up just to uncover my lips. surprisingly during the accident my lips didn't get lots of damage. they only suffered scratches that made minor scars that looked like cat stratches. he put the cigarette up to my lips and i took a drag. i inhaled and blew it into his face. he ashed it out the window. "oh my lord, get a room." ash said jokingly. "oop ashley dear you can't say the lord's name in vein you know this." larry said snickering after. i giggled at larry's words. travis rolled his eyes smiling. i pulled my prosthetic back down. he finished the cigarette and put it in the ashtray. we pulled up to the lake and travis opened the door i was leaning up against. i started falling backwards about to hit my head on the concrete when travis grabbed the collar of my shirt catching me. "sorry!" he said after he did it. "it's okay, trav." i said pulling myself back up and getting out out of the car. we all got out and started walking down to the lake. ash, larry, todd, and neil all ran into lake while i sat in the soft light green grass under a tree in the shade.

travis's pov
i sat down beside sal under the tree watching everyone have fun as the sun sat beautifully. i laid my head down on my knees and looked at sally. 'he's so perfect. i wish i could run away from my dad with him. he's all i need.' i thought to myself as i put my arm over his shoulder. he laid his head on my shoulder but then he looked up at me straight in the eyes. i whispered to him in his ear "i love you, sally." i slowly lifted up his mask revealing his lips. i raised his chin and kissed him and he kissed me back. shortly after i kissed him i heard my name get called by a voice that i very well recognized. "TRAVIS!" my father called out walking down the hill to the tree. i pulled away from sal's lips looking at my father angrily walking over to me. "damn." i said under my breath knowing this was going to be embarrassing. my father laced his fingers in my hair picking me up off the ground starting to drag me to his car. i was tall but my father was SO much taller than me. there was nothing i could do. "I KNEW IT FROM THE MOMENT YOU WERE BORN! ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU STARTED BEING "MAMA'S LITTLE BOY." FUCKING FAGGOT!" he yelled and spat on me throwing my against the car door ordering me to get in. i dented it falling against it really hard like that. i got up and looked at it. it was very visible. he looked at it then at me clenching his fists. he opened the door and pushed me into the car.  he went over to the other side and got in and started driving. he was drunk i could tell by the way he was swerving all over the road. "I WILL NOT HAVE A DAMN QUEER FOR A CHILD DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME!" he yelled grabbing my face. he stopped yelling before i could answer. "when we get home i want you pray. pray until your normal and not a hom-" he said in a sturn voice before i interrupted. "DAD WATCH OUT!" i yelled before we ran into a deep ditch and i passed out hitting my head.

(end of chapter)

oh little sally (salvis) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt