Author's Note: Please Read!!!!

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Hi everyone!!! I'm so happy that you have read my story thus far, and I'm sorry I haven't updated recently. Unfortunately, I do not know where this story is currently going. I did not put enough planning into the plot and was just going off of random ideas. I am sorry about this. I plan to do some major rewriting on this story, because I have several more drafts that occur pre-Academy. I feel like this book will be long and dry if it continues down this path. I plan to also rewrite Elvira's character, as she is a Mary Sue. Again, I am so sorry for this dilemma, and I hope you guys understand. I plan to begin rewriting soon so hopefully y'all won't have to wait forever. I am so sorry for this inconvenience and I hope you understand.

The Sister: A Fire Emblem Three Houses StoryΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα