What the Heck is This?

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Hello, people of the internet!
(God what am I doing with myself?)

So, I've tried writing many things in the past, but none of them ever worked out in my favor. Either I didn't like the end product, or my original vision was skewed heavily from what I want the story to be about.

However, at the rate things are going, this is going to be my first "public" piece of writing. Ever. (And I never would have thought it would have been a fan fiction...)

Eh... what can you do. -_-

So, this is a story that I have been working for the better part of the past month. It deals with topics and characters present in both of the Ori games (hence the spoilers in the description). Hopefully, this will become my creative platform to do more of this kind of stuff. 

Hopefully, I'll start pushing out the story soon. Then, I post new chapters on a week to week basis (hopefully...most likely...maybe). Here's hoping my first work doesn't suck.

Oh, you wanted to know what the story was about, right?

Well, there are only a few things I'll say about it right now. It takes place after the events of Ori and the Will of the Wisps. Lastly, well... I'll let the bottom part summarize.

In life, there is no such thing as a good or a bad choice. It's all a matter of perspective, but some perspectives are more skewed than others. They are unable to tell between a moral and immoral actions. Likewise, some are unable to learn which actions those took are right, and which were wrong. However, sometimes, there is no right or wrong choice. There is only "the choice", a chance to change life for the better, or turn it into hell. And sometimes, it is the only choice. The Question is: What do you have to do to make it?

I.E: Sorry, don't want to give too much away about the story. I mean, it's not that deep, but I'm keeping you in the dark. ;)

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