》Chapter 6《

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PoV: Jean (Present time)

"Do you need help?" Armin asked as he probably saw me struggling with getting my gear on correctly.
"It's fine." I shook my head no but failed to put the belt on my back together with the tab of another one.. again.

"Are you sure?"

I turned around and saw him smiling kindly, pointing at the, now dropped, belt while speaking.

"Mh." I didn't want to admit it, but I would never be done with this without help.
"Alright, tell me if it's too tight, " Armin went behind me and put the belt together quickly, then crossed his arms as he was in front of me again. "There you go!"

"Thanks man." I nodded at him before throwing the green cape with its Survey Corps sign on it around my shoulders.

It was shortly before another expedition outside the walls. Well, territory recovery.
Commander Erwin thought it'd be great practice for us rookies to get used to whatever was awaiting us.
I didn't even want to see a Titan ever again. Not after what happened. Maybe I really should have just gone to the Military Police like Marco and me planned beforehand.

"15 Minutes before we leave!"

One of the scouts shouted and I sighed, closing my eyes for several seconds before walking outside like nothing happened.

Catching a glimpse of the horse I always had already standing put, I grabbed after her reins and led her to the rest of the troop. I was positioned for the left wing together with Armin, Connie and Sasha this time. Hopefully at least all of those three would come back safely..

"5 minutes!"

"Hey, are you okay? You seem pale." Armin questioned while getting up on his horse and I noticed I was the only one still on the ground.
Before replying, I practically jumped into the saddle, calming the horse right after because she got scared of the sudden movement.
"Shh," I made a sound, caressing her mane. "Yeah, I'm fine." I then told Armin and straightened my back, putting the hood up like the rest of the scouts around us.

~time skip outside of the walls~

"Split and dedicate your hearts!" Commander Erwin shouted loudly and me and the rest changed our direction to the left, following the route we had planned out before as good and cleanly as possible.
The truth was, we'd probably never get free. I wouldn't be surprised if I died in this battle. My emotions were still over my abilities at the moment, I didn't know if I could fight back enough.. But I had to. For Marco. For avenging him.

"A-Abnormal?!" Connie screamed, widening his eyes in terror and my focus was more or less back.
The Titan looked weird. Yeah sure, it was an abnormal, but something about it was different. It didn't attack us. It was just standing there like it was looking out for something. Almost like Eren when he transformed into a Titan..
"Armin! Lead the way!" Sasha glanced at the blonde one, waiting for his command. As we got closer, I lifted my right hand up and kissed it as it was around my sword handle.

...For him..

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