Accepted Entries/Judges

592 35 29


Judge: SskShi (1-10)

1. The Last Guardian: River's Shadow - Nightfall_21

2. Ocean Storm - VictoriaLachac (M)

3. The Green Guardian - CroodsGirl

4. The Mark of Beasts: Doneshius - JabreelWilson (M)

5. ATLANTIA: Rise of Rebellion - Yanzieyy

6. Eternal Light - SaraAlhussain83

7. Browser City - marsaumell (M)

8. The Aftermath - LynaForge (M)

9. The Slow Loris - emmah_rose_ (LGBTQ+)

10. The Wildwind Family Adventure: The First Runnings - IRLWahoofCat666 (M&L)

Best Opening Chapter

Judge: JackKrzykowski (1-5) Judge: IRLWahoofCat666 (6-10)

1. The Different Mixtures - Shaunatay

2. The Law of Beasts book 1 - JabreelWilson (M)

3. Ocean Storm - VictoriaLachac (M)

4. On The Edge Of Tomorrow - 0liviaRose436

5. Tough Times Are Ahead - Urvashi123098

6. For You - vikasiniv711 (M)

7. Rose and Venom - Siya_Stark3000 (M)

8. Leeward - empiresofwater (LGBTQ+)

9. Oblivion - AlfionaLia

10. Soul Reaper - JoystickJammer (M)


Judge: Pearl1l (1-5) Judge: NotLikeBeingJudged (6,7,9,10)

1. Another Life - VictoriaLachac (M)

2. Falling For You - Rinuesha

3. LoveCharm at Hogwarts - LoveAnaDee (M)

4. Next Generation - ImAQueen111

5. Friends with Mister J. - AFanGirl4evr (LGBTQ+)

6. Until The Very End - Tricky_minds

The Spotlight AwardOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz