Chapter 20: Let Her Go

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But her perspective certainly changed when she met the Guardians. She would have never thought that there were others out there like her, people who were different, people who possessed magic in their bodies. And Elsa certainly didn't think that she would be friends with the Tooth Fairy, Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and the Sandman, all while being in love with a young man who was the epitome of winter.

When Jack and the other Guardians walked into her life, Elsa knew that for once, she didn't have to be afraid. And for the first time, she fully accepted herself for who she is, and it was all because of them.

And it was certainly because of him.

"Tooth," Elsa called out quietly.

The Tooth Fairy turned to her. "Yes?"

"I...I just want to say thank you. To you, North, Sandy and Bunny," said Elsa.

Tooth smiled. "Oh. What for?"

Elsa smiled and shrugged a little. "For accepting me for who I am, when I met you all a few years ago. You guys are the only ones who accepted me and my powers without any question. It felt nice knowing that I wasn't the only one."

Tooth smiled again. "Well, you're a part of our family now, Elsa. But you are very welcome. In fact, it was quite exciting when we found out that Jack isn't the only one who can control the winter weather."

Elsa laughed a little then sighed. "I also want to say thank you for being there for Jack all those years. He has told me everything, from when he first became Jack Frost, up until the time when he was chosen to become a Guardian, with him finding his memories and all. He's told me all the stories and everything that happened, and it was all because you four helped him find who he really is. Jack really does love all of you," she said as a small smile appeared on her frail face.

However, Tooth knew that Elsa was wrong, that Jack hadn't told her everything; Jack hadn't told her about Pitch, who he was, and what he did.

But Tooth smiled and said, "We're the closest thing we've got to a family, the five of us. Even though we argue and disagree with each other at times, we do work very well together."

"What was Jack like in the past?" Elsa asked, genuinely curious. It was a question she has never thought of asking before.

"When you say past, do you mean centuries ago? Or right before he met you?" asked Tooth.

"Both," said Elsa.

Tooth laughed and thought about it for a few seconds. "Hmm, where do I even start? Well, I've known Jack for a very long time, even before he became a Guardian, when he was nothing more than Jack Frost. I've known him for about 300 years, I think. He's changed quite a lot since then."

The Queen smiled. "How?"

"For starters, he was very stubborn. Very mischievous, always getting on everyone's nerves. He was always getting himself into trouble just to have a bit of fun," said Tooth.

"Oh, I don't think any of that has changed," said Elsa, laughing lightly.

"But Jack was literally intolerable back then. Thank heavens he has learned to tone it down a bit," laughed Tooth. "Have you ever wondered what started the little feud between Bunny and Jack?"

Elsa laughed a little. "Sometimes."

Tooth smiled and said, "Well, because that boyfriend of yours caused a huge blizzard a couple decades ago on Easter Sunday."

"Oh no," Elsa laughed and shook her head. "But that does seem like something Jack would do."

"Jack really was the troublemaker back then. More than he is today, believe it or not. He was a very different person before he met you, Elsa," Tooth said.

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