Chapter 57

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Sam rushed into the university library while glancing at her watch. She hated to be late and she was cutting it very close today.

Breathing with relief as she finally arrived she made her way to the reference desk, catching the eye of Mark, the guy she was meeting, and giving him a shy wave before holding up a finger to him indicating that she would just be another minute. At the reference desk she smiled at Judy, the elderly librarian who approached her.

"Hi Judy! Happy birthday"

Samantha pulled one perfect chocolate cupcake decorated with gold sprinkles and a single candle out from behind her back and set it on the counter. Judy's hand flew to her mouth and her eyes glittered with happiness when she looked at Samantha. Reaching out to grasp both of Sam's hands in her own "Samantha, you are the sweetest thing. How on earth did you remember my birthday?" Leaning across the counter to kiss the soft cheek of the other woman Samantha informed her "I remember the birthdates of all of the important people in my life". She squeezed Judy's hands and gave her a little wave before heading over to where Mark had saved a table for them.

Mark stood as Sam approached and she once again saw the admiration in his gaze. She had been aware, since their very first session over a year ago, of the way that Mark looked at her but continued to pretend as though she didn't. She didn't want to encourage his interest in her to be anything more than that of a tutor and student or friend.

Sitting down across from him, Samantha smiled and set her books on the table in front of her. Today they were studying microbiology. Mark was a second year student, one of only a handful of men in the nursing program. He was actually very bright and she enjoyed working with him. He didn't really need a tutor, in her opinion, as he had a terrific grasp on the criteria but he was an overachiever. And he paid her. 

Mark was a good looking guy. Tall and slender with a runner's build and he often arrived to their tutoring sessions with a "friend", some poor girl or another obviously crushing on him, so Samantha had to assume that he wasn't lacking for female companionship but she still noticed that hopeful gleam in his eye whenever they were together although he had never once made her feel uncomfortable with anything that he said or did and, aside from the admiring looks he occasionally gave her, she actually enjoyed his company.

The two of them made a bit of small talk before settling into their studies and before long Samantha realized that the hour had passed. She glanced at her watch and mentally reviewed Adam's schedule in her mind. He was still working for another few hours so she could offer Mark more time if he felt he needed it. On tutoring nights she didn't take shifts at the café and she was under strict instruction to call Kelsey for a ride home tonight when she was done. Finn was also working late on a big project, so Kelsey had told her that she was available at any time and not to rush.

"Our time's up" Samantha looked up from her watch and caught Mark watching her before he quickly averted his gaze, looking down for a moment before bringing it back to her with a smile. Instantly she felt horrible that she might have embarrassed him. It can't be easy to have a crush on someone that you see so often, if that's what this was. Maybe she should just come right out and ask him? Would that be obnoxious? She immediately decided against it. Maybe he was just shy and the odd looks had nothing to do with any attraction to Samantha on his part and then she would be the one who was embarrassed by imagining things that didn't exist.

"I have some more time tonight though, if you need it" she said kindly.

Mark looked relieved. "Maybe another half-hour if you don't mind? I'd like to go through the infectious diseases a bit more"

"Absolutely" Samantha said "Not a problem"

Samantha and Mark had their heads close together over several books when Adam and Jamie entered the library. Spotting Sam first, Jamie nudged Adam with his elbow and nodded his head in their direction. Seeing her made Adam smile and he asked Jamie to wait for him a minute and started to make his way toward her. He watched the guy with Samantha and couldn't help but notice the bare adoration on the other man's face when he watched her explaining something from the materials spread out in front of them.

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