The Hound of the Stoneweld

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He hung his head as he clutched the edges of the console. "I don't want this. Not anymore...."

"Dad, is everything okay?" Larn said as she approached her father. She heard him yelling and got worried, she had never seen him this upset before.

The Doctor turned to meet his daughter's concerned eyes. "Larn, I told you to stay in your room...." He muttered. Larn wasn't listening, her eyes drifted to the monitor on the TARDIS, it had never done this before.

"Dad, what does this mean? I've never seen the TARDIS do anything like this...and what's a time lock?"

The Doctor let out a defeated sigh and replied, "It's a distress signal. The TARDIS has decided to undermine my specific settings and has picked up,-''

"A call for help?" Larn finished hopefully.

"Yes. A call for help." The Doctor sighed dejectedly.

"What's a time lock?" Larn asked again.

"Not important, now, pop back to your room while I fix the TARDIS's settings..."

"But Dad, someone needs our help! I mean, your help!" Larn watched as her father stared at the monitor again. For a split second he looked drained then he finally said, "Fine, just this once! But there are going to be rules that must be followed!"

Larn smiled from ear to ear as she clung to the couch for dear life as her father pulled a lever on the console.....

"I won't be gone long. I'll just see what the fuss is about, sort it out and come straight back, are you even listening to me Larn?" The Doctor asked as he realized that Larn was staring at the TARDIS doors.

"Larn!" The Doctor barked. Larn snapped her gaze back to her father. "Yes Dad." The Doctor sighed; she was so much like him it was frightening. "Under NO circumstance are you to leave the TARDIS, do I make myself clear?"

Larn forced herself to not roll her eyes, this was the millionth time he had said this but she instead she said, "Okay."

She couldn't help but be excited by her father finally leaving the TARDIS to help someone. She even read the coordinates on the monitor and she couldn't help but feel even more excited, the TARDIS had brought them to the year 1886. London 1886.

They were in the past. They were in London 1886!

Larn would have squealed with delight had her father hadn't been glaring balefully at the monitor.

She only recalled one occasion where her father left the TARDIS, she had been really little then but her father didn't like to talk about it.

The Doctor brushed his long, nearly shoulder length unkempt fiery curls out of his eyes and placed both hands on his daughter's shoulders, "I'll be back soon." He pulled her into his embrace, her smooth cheek brushing against his short prickly beard.

"I love you."

His words seemed to echo throughout the now empty TARDIS. He had looked back at her one last time, as if taking in every detail of her before he finally shut the doors.

Larn waited a few minutes, to make sure he wouldn't come back due to him changing his mind, but when he didn't, she ran to her room to get something that she had thought she would never get a chance to try.

She was now brandishing her very own sonic screwdriver. It was a bit longer than her father's, thicker and it had a special feature that she couldn't activate as long as it was in the TARDIS.

There was only one way to test it.

She was dressed in a blue t shirt with a glow in the dark star. Her favorite shirt, with black pants and her red converse sneakers just like her fathers.

Doctor Who: The Adventures of The 14th DoctorOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora