Hela | 𝓦𝓱𝓸 𝓪𝓻𝓮 𝔂𝓸𝓾?

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"Pardon?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Kneel.. before your queen!" She command.

"You're not my queen. I suggest you to go and leave Asgard now before-" she suddenly throw her sword towards me. The sword almost hit me but it missed.

Skurge appears behind Hela, I thought he's about to help me and attack her. Hela turned around then whispered him something. At this point, I knew something is off. Skurge must be on her side.

I took the opportunity to pulled out my knife and throw it directly to her head, but she catch it like it was nothing. She looks at me with a slight anger and disgust.

"Who do you think you are?" She said.

Hela throws back my knife and it hit my arm. When I was too focused on my arm, Hela ordered her wolf to attack me. I fight the giant wolf as much as I could. I'm not attacking back, I'm just protecting myself. I didn't want to show her my power just yet. I want her to see me as a weak Asgardian. I want to know what she's up to.

After a long fight, Hela finally stops her wolf. I was panting. Hela gives me a smirk.

"You can handle my beloved Fenris. That's impressive." She walked towards me.

When she close enough, she grab me by my throat and choke me. "Let see if you can handle me" she said before she slammed me to the ground and making me passed out.

~Time skipped~

I woke up in empty room with my legs and arms chained. Then I hear a footsteps coming closer.

"So you're one of the goddess huh?" Hela's voice comes from behind me.

I didn't say anything. And it makes her angry. She walk around me and stops in front of me. She doesn't wear her helmet anymore. She let her black hair down. She look so gorgeous. Wait what? Stop y/n! Stop!

 Wait what? Stop y/n! Stop!

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"All these attitudes. For what?" She grabbed my jaw and stepped closer to me. Her face inches away from me.

"I asked you a question and I expect an answer you stupid little thing." She spat.

"I'm just nobody." I said quietly. Hela let go of my jaw and step back.


"I asked you one more time. Give me the right answer or I'll kill you just like I kill your boyfriend. Are you one of the goddess?" She asked.

"Boyfriend?" I raised my eyebrows in confusion.

"Thor" She said.

I chuckled, she slapped me again across the face. Then grabbed me by my throat and choke me.

"How dare you laugh at me. The goddess of death. Your new queen." She tightened her grip on my throat.

"And yet you still stupid enough to believe everything Skurge said" I force another chuckled, "I'm not his girl. So even you kill me, it doesn't affect him at all." I said.

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