Kuroo slams his hands down to silence everyone since a few murmurs could be heard once he started speaking again and it wasn't from me this time. Surprisingly.

"I believe you all know why we are here, yes?" Everyone replies in unison with a 'yes' and Kuroo seems pleased with our answer so he continues. "We need to find a way around this situation..." he started off. "We've spent way too long preparing for this to just let it go down the drain so..." he runs a hand through his hair and sits down on his chair, looking relaxed but I knew he had a whole aura of stress surrounding him. There's so much tension in this room I could cut it with a bloody knife and eat the thing. "Anyone got any suggestions?" I wasn't expecting him to ask this but it made sense when he did.

"Let's just blow the place up!" The small blonde girl who I remembered being called Yachi spoke up but was quickly shut down for her sudden suggestion. And I thought I was random!

"Out of the question" a blonde haired male with dark roots then joined in on the conversation. His had been sat next to Kuroo this whole time but I didn't even notice because he was too preoccupied with his phone. "Anyone else?"

Everyone stayed silent for a few minutes and it didn't seem like anyone was going to come out with an idea anytime soon so I came up with the first thing that came to mind. "May I ask something?"

Kuroo gives me the go ahead so I clear my throat to make sure everyone's attention was on me. "Who is he meeting to plan up with?" I glance around the room to see any reactions since no one was speaking still but I noticed Yachi fidgeting in her seat. "You know dont you?" She looks up at me but quickly scoffs and plays it off as she didn't have a clue what I was on about. "If you tell me now you can do whatever you want to the person that betrayed us"

"Y/n-" Sakusa tried to interrupt but I managed to stop him whilst keeping my eye contact with Yachi.

"Deal?" She thinks about it for a second before nodding. I don't even wanna imagine what kinda shit is running through her mind right now. "Okay so who?"

She looks at Daichi for permission who just sighs and waves his hand for a second, letting her know that she could reveal the information to me. "A small group who are up and coming, if you will...we've been allied with them since they started up..."  after she said this a plan started developing in my head.

"Wait just confirm that for me...did you say you're allies?" She nods and makes a face as if to indirectly ask 'are you dumb?' If we weren't in this situation I'd slap her silly but now isn't the time. "Can I be excused for a minute? Being alone helps me go through things" I get given permission by Sakusa and then Kuroo to leave so I walk out of the room and go sit by the bar, I didn't want a drink but even if I did I couldn't get one since no one was tending to the bar anyway. Okay so what if...

I then spent the next ten minutes alone just planning out what we could do. The reason why it was taking so long was because I had to go through every possibility of what could go wrong and how we could either solve a situation like that or avoid it as a whole. Without me knowing, Sakusa had managed to creep next to me and he sat on the stool to my side. "How's it going? We are all waiting for you in there" his voice was laced with worry and I couldn't blame him. If this mission isn't done then who knows how many more people will suffer at the hands of my dad. I wanna prevent anything dreadful happening.

"I know I'm sorry but I think I've nearly got it" I rub my temples as all of this thinking was giving me a raging headache. "Fuck..." I sigh and rest my forehead on the bar.

𝐂𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐮𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 | 𝙎𝙖𝙠𝙪𝙨𝙖 𝙭 𝙁𝙚𝙢𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧 | 𝙈𝙖𝙛𝙞𝙖 𝘼𝙐Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя