Lady examines the bracelet but she said she can't help him bcz he is a stranger and they can't just disclose any of the information to an unknown person.

Gulf tried many ways to convince them but he was shoved away by the security guards.

He got discouraged and saw the sun has already set to West so conceived to leave the matter for today and try some other day.

While driving his mind is jumbling with many viewpoints like
why he always gets stuck in the final steps?
Why life doesn't go as he wants?
He wanted to be with Mew as a lover but life made such a U-turn that what they are now.

He even can't hate Mew. His freaking heart till today keeps beating for him. His touch makes him go wild.

Thoughts made Gulf totally distracted from the road and suddenly a cat came across the street and as he tried to save the cat, he stops the car abruptly.

Huff...huff....oh my the cat fine...

Gulf hurriedly came out to check that the cat crosses the road safely.

He felt relieved and proceed towards his car and he noticed the area is very remote.

With darkness, there is no shop and not much car running on the road except for one black car in a distance kept at a standstill.

He stops looking around and got in the car to incite the car but the car is just not starting.

What happens to this damn car? cursed Gulf and tried few times but it's not igniting.

He took out his phone to call but the cell phone is off and he remembered that earlier the battery was only 2%.

shit.....he cursed again got out of the car to ask for help.

He leans to see that the black car is still there but he felt a little creepy that the car is not moving and someone is definitely inside it but not clearly visible and most importantly why it would be placed in an isolated area with no purpose.

Gulf walked in the opposite direction of the black car.
He keeps wandering by foot line but it looks like for a far distance there is nothing but he continued and it's then when he felt someone is behind him following him.

He thought of confronting it directly but again he is alarmed what if he attacks him or tries to harm him so he commences stepping quickly as much as possible but with every speed, he felt that the person behind him speeds his steps too.

Gulf is panting and huffing.
He is already tired and can't think properly about what to do in this desolate place.

That's when he saw an alley, it is dark but he can't continue and he needs to do something to get rid of this stalker so he enters the path and hides in darkness.

He heard the footstep are coming nearby each min.

Gulf got prepared to fight it back like he will knock it or strike first.

With a palpitating soul, he came out from the darkness with closed eyes and he strikes out the punch to feel only the night breeze.

Gulf opened the eyes to see nobody was there he leaned forward to check even more but nothing.

Aaaaaaaaaaaa........ screamed Gulf with a submission.

What happened baby?

Gulf squinted his eyes to the sound and tend to see the hands which are on his shoulder and due to which he screamed it belongs to Mew.

He turned entirely and hugged Mew tightly.

Why did you scream? Did anyone hurt you? asked Mew with uneasiness.

Gulf is petrified as he got really scared by the incident.
He literally sensed that someone was following him but where did the person go.

Frozen, please tell me? queried Mew over while making Gulf to face him.

Daddy... actually the car was suddenly not starting and someone was following me.
He was right behind me and I tried to hit him but then he is nowhere and suddenly you encounter me so I got scared answered Gulf with a panicked chatter.

Where?? There is no one? how can you think of striking a stalker? He might be dangerous and what are you doing here? Aren't you should be in the hospital direction? questioned Mew.

Mmm...Gulf begins creating any excuse as it's really the opposite way.

How did you know I am here? As he did not get any so he backfires Mew with questions.

Obviously by the car tracking device.
I called you several times but you didn't pick up and later it was switched off so I came by to look for you.

That's why you gave me your car so you can track my movements right? frowned Gulf.

Then how would I find you today?
Shouldn't you be explaining yourself like what you did? I definitely asked you to come soon retaliate Mew. phone was in silent mode and lack of battery which caused it to shut down and I got lost replied Gulf softly and solemnly.

Daddy let's go I don't like this remote place added Gulf with a tight grip on Mew's arm.

Ok ok, let's go. We need to go somewhere else too said Mew and coast Gulf swiftly by his waist.

Gulf paced but he keeps peeking behind for the last check.


Hello.... sorry... I could not get the bracelet.
I will try next time. I promise...

The stalker was there all the time.
He lurks as soon as he saw Mew's car neared the road.

MY MASQUERADE MAN...I WANT YOU..حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن