Part 8

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After filling out all the necessary paperwork and waking Dodger up from his nap, the two of them (plus the newest member of their Neighborhood trio) began to walk back to their apartment, opting out of catching a cab. The walk would give them plenty of time to stretch their legs and it would help Dodger get used to the area.

Steve held the leash while Natasha walked beside him, close enough that her fingers sometimes (just barely) grazed by his. They hadn't talked much after Steve admitted he had moved on from Peggy to somebody else and Natasha knew it was her turn to make the next move.

"So," Natasha said, her voice wavering slightly, "You've moved on, huh?"

Steve let out an embarrassed huff of breath as he tightened his leash on Dodger. "Listen, I didn't mean to say that and I know you don't feel the same way and if you want to forget I ever said that then we can forget it and never talk about it—"

"Hold on, Rogers." Natasha stopped him and put a hand up to his chest while the boxer took a pee break by the fire hydrant. "First of all, you know I remember everything, so I could never forget that. Second of all..." she licked her lower lip nervously. "Who said I don't feel the same way?" Her confidence building, she gave him a sly smile. "You think you have me all figured out, don't you, Rogers?"

"These past few weeks when you've stopped coming by. I've missed hearing your knock on my door. I've missed unzipping you." He closed his eyes and shook his head in disbelief at what he was about to say, "Friendly sexual style."

Natasha smiled at his honesty. "I've missed being unzipped by you." She chuckled. "Friendly sexual style."

"So you'll come by more now?" Steve inquired as the two of them began walking again, making their way back home. "You won't hesitate?"

"I won't hesitate, bitch." She tossed a little treat to Dodger and chuckled when the pup tried to jump up to catch it.

"Quoting vines now, huh? That's classy."

"Old man Rogers who listens to old people music and eats beans out of a can actually knows vines?" Natasha mocked.

"I gotta stay up to date on the latest trends! Have you heard they released the prototype for the new StarkPhone?"

"You gonna get it?" Natasha asked.

"I'm a college student, you think I can afford it?"


They easily fell back into their old banter. Exchanging playful quips and basking in their dry and dark humor. There was even a touch of lighthearted flirting that Natasha realized had always been there, but she had just never really noticed. She never talked to Clint or Sam like that, and she certainly never talked to Fury like that. No, her flirting with Steve was in a completely different ballpark that Natasha didn't even realize she was playing in.

When they reached their apartment complex, it hit her that she never actually played her next move. She had it in her pocket the whole time, but she never used it. As they stood in front of their respective doors, Natasha reached into her back jean pocket and pulled out her key. She handed it to Steve while he looked at her puzzled.

"It's my spare," she explained, while she used her own fingers to wrap Steve's against the silver metal. "I want you to have it."

"Natasha Romanoff trusts me." Steve smiled as he stood there proudly, Natasha's hands still covering her own.

"I do now," was her response.

Steve opened his door for Dodger and let the boxer explore his new home before turning back to Natasha. "I think I want to kiss you now."

"Our neighbors could be watching." Natasha said, her voice getting quieter as she leaned in to Steve and stood up on the tips of her toes to get closer to him. "Public displays of affection makes people very uncomfortable."

"Yes, they do." Steve whispered back as he dipped his head down to reach hers. "I don't really care."

"Me neither."

Their lips finally met in a passionate kiss and Natasha wondered why she waited so long to kiss him in the first place. He may not have kissed many women in his lifetime, but he sure did know what he was doing.

Her hands snaked around the back of his head and held him closer to her, peeking neighbors be damned. She never wanted to stop.

"My jeans," she said in-between Steve's kisses.

"What?" He asked hoarsely, as he continued to kiss her.

"My jeans," she repeated. "Technically, they have a zipper."

"Do they now?" Steve asked as he kissed down her neck.

"Mhmm," Natasha confirmed, her eyes closing and head tossing back to give Steve more entry. "And you told me not to hesitate to come to you with any unzipping problems."

"I did." Steve agreed, as he reached a spot that made Natasha audibly gasp. "How would you like it, Romanoff?" He mumbled into her neck. "Non-sexual? Friendly sexual...?" He grabbed the underside of her thighs and lifted her up, allowing her to wrap her legs around his waist, finally making her the taller one in their make-out session.

Natasha grabbed his hair and tugged to pull his face up to meet hers for one more kiss on the lips. When they finally parted, she grinned as Steve tightened his grip around her. "Maybe just a little sexual." Steve kissed her again as he backed into his apartment; Natasha took back her comment. "Or a lot."

"Yes, ma'am." Steve whole-heartedly agreed as he shut the door of his apartment behind him with a loud bang.

Many things were unzipped that night, but really Steve had been unzipping her from the moment they met. Little by little, element by element, Steve had opened her heart to trust and friendship, releasing her from the confines of her past and her insecurities. He got past her inability to let people in and broke down all the barriers one by one.

He had unzipped her completely and she let him. He had unzipped her completely and she never wanted to go back.

She was finally free.


Author's Note: Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed my fic! This is all for now, but I do have a couple of ideas for a fluffy epilogue (with domestic and parent romanogers possibly hehe) so let me know if that's something you'd like to read! :)

Unzip Me || Romanogers || ✔️Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя