Part 2

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Anytime indeed, because Natasha started knocking on his door at all hours of the day whenever she needed to be zipped in or zipped out. She didn't even need to say a word anymore for Steve to know what to do. She would simply knock on his door and he would answer. He would take in her current dress state, she would turn around, and he would do his gentlemanly duty of zipping or unzipping her dress of the day.

It became easier to make casual conversation as the two of them became accustomed to living next door to each other. They still hadn't reached the level of conversation where things could get personal and Natasha didn't want to push him into it, especially after he had such an adverse reaction to her asking about his dead girlfriend. However, that still didn't stop her from learning as much about him as she could.

His favorite colors were red, white, and blue (ever the patriot), his favorite food was beans from a can (cause it reminded him of his childhood), and his favorite animal was a dog (just cause they were loyal).

Steve, the polite person he was, would ask the same questions in return and Natasha would answer: her favorite color was black (she couldn't deny her inner Goth), her favorite food was peanut butter sandwiches (it got her through college), and her favorite animal was the black widow (just cause they were cool).

"We're pretty different, aren't we?" Steve asked. Natasha could hear his soft chuckle as he zipped up her dress of the day: a loose and casual light orange dress.

"I'd say," Natasha agreed. "What was your major in college? I was an International Relations and Political Science double major with a Latin language minor."

"Wow, so we're definitely different. I'm in Graphic design, just graphic design, and am still currently in college," Steve responded. By that time, he had finished zipping her up and Natasha turned to face him.


"Yeah, I'm a little late to the college game. I joined the army for a few years, so I'm kinda new to the whole thing."

"Why'd you choose graphic design?"

Steve shrugged. "When I was little, I didn't really get out much, being sick and all, so I drew instead. I drew a lot and I enjoyed it, so I thought why not."

"You any good?"

"That's not really up to me to decide, is it?" Steve responded. "I can show you what I'm working on now. If you want, that is."

Natasha brightened at the idea of finding out more of the inner psyche of Steve, so she jumped at the opportunity. "I'm a very harsh judge," she warned jokingly. "I'm very honest, so you should be worried."

"I'm terrified," Steve quipped back. He opened the door further so Natasha would step in and she was met with a wonderful mess. It had taken a while, but Steve had unpacked everything so there were no more cardboard boxes in sight. Rather, there were strips of paper, and art supplies strewn about the place, stray pieces of clothing lay on various pieces of furniture, and random knickknacks and souvenirs were placed on tables and counters giving the tiny apartment a very lived in and homely feeling. It was wonderful.

"Sorry about the mess," Steve said as he navigated through to reach his drawing board.

"Trust me, this is nothing," Natasha reassured. "Back when I lived with my roommates, if there wasn't an empty pizza box on the floor and dirty boxers on a lamp, we wouldn't call it home."

"I take it that's why you moved out?"

Natasha smiled. "Partly. I mostly just wanted a change and live by myself for once, you know?" She licked her lips, not really understanding why she continued to talk. "I just... I spent my whole life living with people and being cramped and forgotten. It's just nice to have my own things."

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