Posters covered the walls, which were a beige color that made her want to burn them so they would have some color. As she walked she walked past her desk that had singe marks from a time when her and her father had fought before. A mirror that she only used to get ready for church because her father forced her to go. A bookshelf that was covered in ash and giant burns, the books on said bookshelf were burned and so black that you couldn't even tell what they used to have on them. In the corner of her small room was a small bed with grey covers and a small white pillow.

As she stomped inside her room she went up to the wall by the posters and punched the wall twice creating a fairly big dent.

"S***." She cussed under her breath.

She turned away from the wall and went to the small bed, she reached under it and took out a poster and some tape. As she stood up she walked back to the wall, she started to hang the poster there to cover the new dent in the wall. She made sure to cover it well, if her father found out that she had dented the wall as many times as she had she would be grounded forever.

Diellza looked in the mirror, she saw her short stature and her long, straight, red hair. She blinked and looked at her brown eyes and light colored skin.

As she looked away from the mirror she heard the door shut, it wasn't loud or angry sounding which scared her. When she did something like this her father was mad for at least a couple of days, with what she did he should be mad for at least a week. But he didn't slam the door or stomp instead he was quiet which scared her more than when her dad was angry.

"S***" she cursed under her breath once again.

She saw the bedroom door open and in walked her father with a grim expression on his face.

He looked at her, then in a quiet voice he said, "They have a open spot for a trial in an hour so get ready, make sure you look nice. Heads up, it isn't looking good."

He turned and left the doorway shutting the door after him. She heard his footsteps go down the hall and heard a door shut, probably his bedroom. She sat on her bed, quiet, she didn't speak, how could she, she had caused this and she knew this was going to happen.

After all she had set fire to the f****** church! There was no other outcome, she was too young for them to execute which was good, but she had passed the age for them to banish her.

Diellza started to get ready whispering f*** and s*** under her breath ever other second. She went to her bed and grabbed a small dress from a drawer, it was a plain black dress that reached her knees, she remembered when her father had forced her to get it.

She moved back to the mirror and started to put her hair into a braid and then putting it up into a bun. She found the shoes she would wear next to the very burned bookshelf and put on the black flats. It was the custom to wear only black to see the Council for a trial, if it wasn't for a trial you could wear just about whatever you wanted to.

She opened her door and walked down the hall, her breathing was calm and even but her heartbeat was anything but. When she got to the living room she was met to her father in a black suit with his brown hair brushed back. He stood up and walked to the front door, they walked outside and he locked the door.

They started walking to the Council House, the place where many never left with their freedom still in their grasp. They walked in silence, when the reached the Council House they were stopped and met by two of the smaller Council House Members.

"Please come this way, you will be judged soon." Said the taller of the two males in a dull voice.

Her father nodded avoiding eye contact and started following the dull male, she waited for him to be in front of her before following suit. The second male walked behind her to make sure none of them strayed off. She had to remind herself constantly to not look up and meet one of the Council House Members eyes as that was a felony, she was already in enough trouble and didn't want more for the Council to add.

The Outcast Lands: Fireजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें