Chapter 1

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Asami was on patrol with Eraser Head as usual, as they sat on the roof of a tall building waiting for something to happen. Asami broke the silence.
"I heard you're going to USJ with your class tomorrow. Who's going with you?". Aizawa just shrugged.
"Just Thirteen and All Might", Asami nods her head.
Everything was peaceful, but all great things come to an end. After Aizawa left, Asami got a call, saying that a few villains robbed a bank and is holding everyone inside as hostage, she sighed, putting her hood and mask back on and hurried over to the bank. Asami moved her hands in a certain way, as a red mist appeared around her. Then Asami showed a hologram of the bank of how many people were inside. There were only 3 villains and around 20 hostages.

Asami was not in the mood to do anything, so she rose her hands up, as the red mist moved towards the building, surrounding it. Slowly all three villains came out and fell to the ground unconscious. Asami went into the building to free the hostages after the mist disappeared. She got praised, as news reporters came over to her. Unfortunately for Asami, she got stuck and now has to answer as many questions as she can.
"Scarlet, what was it like taking down those villains?"
"Are you ever going to show your face to the world?"
"Is it true, that your natural eye colour is red, like your quirk?"
"How old are you?"
"What is it like being the No. 3 pro hero?"
"Are you single?"
Asami was pretty calm, as this happens to her often.
"Really easy, maybe in the future, yes, that is irrelevant, being able to show people, that being a pro hero doesn't mean anything, until you show that you want to help and save people, not for the fame or the money, that's what it's like being a pro hero.", she says calmly, "and yes to the last question", she continued. Before anyone else was able to ask her questions, she used her quirk and flew off, leaving rose petals raining to the ground.

After leaving every mission or crime scene, Scarlet would always leave rose petals as leaving them, helps in many ways. One, it helps cover any blood stains on the ground. Two, it helps calm people down. And three, she is given roses often, so she wants to give back to the people.

-Time Skip-
Asami makes it back to her apartment, which was big enough to house at least three people in. Asami likes the big space and how the apartment shows her personality a bit. Most of the house was covered with grey walls and has a modern and cozy feel to it. Asami took her shoes off and went straight to the bathroom to shower.

After having a shower, Asami changed into a two-piece grey knit tank top and shorts, with a fluffy oversized cardigan. Her hair was in a messy bun and she wore her glasses, which she only wears at home.

Asami walked into the kitchen to make herself dinner, or breakfast since it to nearly 6 in the morning. Usually Asami's patrols don't last until midnight, but she was covering someone else's shift meaning she worked almost twice the amount she would usually work.
After eating her breakfast, she cleaned up and went to bed, falling asleep immediately.

-Time Skip-
Asami woke up around 12:00pm, after getting a call from All Might to come to USJ as fast as she could.

Asami groaned, but quickly brushed her teeth, fixed her hair, got changed into her hero costume, grabbed a quick snack, before flying off the USJ. Once she got there, she used her magic to open the door. Once she got in, she saw Aizawa on the brink of death and All Might fighting a weird 'creature', she quickly flew over, only to see the creature coming up to one of the students, she quickly moved her hands towards him, all while moving in front of him, moving him away and used her magic, to reduce the blow of the hit, before it hit All Might, making sure it would hit her, before it would hit All Might, if it hits her at all.

The only thing that could be since was clouds of smoke. After a moment, the clouds of smoke slowly started to disappear. The students there, all saw a mist of red, as a feminine figure walked out of the smoke. The green-haired student, recognise the hero, as the No. 3 pro hero, Scarlet, whom he idolised since she rose up the ranks in only two years. All Might pushed Scarlet away and did the final blow, making the 'creature' disappear out of the roof.
"What are you doing here Scarlet, you just finished a 12-hr shift, not even 12 hours ago", All Might asked Scarlet.

"What do you mean? You called me, but that doesn't matter right now, to one thing that does matter is the fact that you are going to transform into your original self soon, and you currently have 2 teachers and maybe some students hurt, who need medical attention, and you also have students still in this facility, so if you don't get out of here fast enough, I will teleport you home.", Scarlet explained, he quickly nodded his head and followed her orders. The red-haired student tried to go over to All Might, but was stopped by Cementoss, telling him to go back to the rest of the students.

-Time Skip-
After all the students were taken outside, Scarlet couldn't help but worry about All Might, since he can only keep his hero form for max a few hours. Scarlet decided to go with Aizawa to the hospital. Aizawa was lying in bed with bandages covering his whole body, Scarlet couldn't help but let one tear fall down her face, she quickly wiped it away, not wanting to show emotions.
She gives Aizawa, a daughter-like kiss on the forehead, without anyone noticing and left.
Unknown to Asami, Aizawa was awake and felt her kiss his forehead, this made his heart melt, as she never showed any emotions around him, even after knowing him for so long, so for her to do that, it truly showed that she cared.

This is Asami's apartment

This is Asami's apartment

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Also when I write when I write scarlet instead of Asami, she's in her hero costume

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Also when I write when I write scarlet instead of Asami, she's in her hero costume. Heyo, first chapter yay. Ummm have with this. :)

Scarlet | Bakugo x pro hero ocWhere stories live. Discover now