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"Huh?" I said as I was startled and my face turned red, I could now smell his scent as he took me to my bed. "Now watch where you go Blue boy" he said as he turned off the light. "Good night" Jaxx said "good night..." my foot hurt so bad that I didn't think I could sleep. I started to cry "what's wrong now?" Jaxx said "n-nothing my foot just really hurts"I said. Jaxx got up and walked towards me "what are you-" I tried to say but then Jaxx got in his bed and hugged Sora. Sora started to blush "don't worry it will stop hurting in the morning so just go to sleep" Jaxx said "but..ok" I say as I start to hug him back.{in the morning} I wake up to see Jaxx asleep in my bed. "Jaxx?" I said "yeah?" "Get up don't you have to record with Alex today?" I said as Jaxx quickly got up and logged into his computer "your right, What time is it?" Jaxx said "can't you just cheek you computer?" I said as if he were stupid "oh yeah." I waited for half an hour for the recording to end, then I started playing Minecraft on my computer, then jaxx came into the room. "Sora, everyone is going to meet up in the living room. They said that were going to the ZoO"Jaxx said "Zoo?" i said.Why are we going to the zoo? Does everyone just want to get out of the house? I walked down stairs wondering why we were going to the zoo. "You might want to bring water with you." Alex said as she went to get a water bottle. We arrived at a zoo not too far from the house surprisingly. But Jade,Jaxx and Charlie were still coming so we had to wait a few minutes.When they arrived we started to walk. "Me and Drake want to go that way where the Tiggers are." Jade said as she grabbed Drake's hand trying not to blush. "Sure!" Zach said as he secretly winked at Drake "ok we will meet up in the middle of the zoo at 12:30." Drake said as he was quickly pulled away.They must be Dating, I would like to just go see souvenirs. "Can me and light go see the Red panda?" 
Light's pov: Isn't that her favorite animal? I'd feel bad If i said no... "yeah Charlie let's go see the red panda!" I said "really? oh yeah! Scoar!"
Sora pov: Alex told me that charlie was a simp So i guess she simps for Light.So now there's just me Alex Zach Jaxx Levi and Luca. " What are we going to see first?" Levi said as he looked around. I guess he likes animals. "how about that animal over there?" Alex said as she pointed to the closest animal "ok!" I said as we all walked towards a gate cage. Then we see a big Jaguars, T.B.C.

~kiss?!~Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt