Chapter 11 the curse between Jayden and Ariel

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The next day I was training with Lauren. The other rangers wanted the day off. Jayden had some training to do with the beetle disc.

He trained for the whole day and for most of the night. The day after he trained with the beetle disc we fought a nighlok named dreadhead. The only way to take him down was to use the five disc beetle cannon. We got back to the shiba house within twenty minutes from the time that nighlok battle was over. Jayden has been thinking that I can't stand my ground for a long time. I'm gonna have to prove him wrong.

I started to train more than I usually do. I also looked into the history of the black samurai ranger. The next day my school did a lip dub. We did it at the end of the school day. It was so much fun.

A few days later I noticed Jayden acting kinda weird whenever he is around me but not in front of the other rangers. That's when I finally knew that I have to find out what's going on. I went over to him and he backed up. That's when John started to notice that something was not right. "Ariel, something's not right." John said. "Yeah, I know, Jayden wouldn't normally back away from me." I said. The next day I noticed that Jayden was seeing the worst in all of the rangers and I was seeing the worst in him. He was even seeing the worst in Mentor Ji. I don't see the worst in any of the other rangers and Mentor Ji, just in Jayden. That's when I started to wonder if there is some kind of curse between us. Later that day John told me that there must be a curse between me and Jayden.

That's when I had to find out who cast the curse. The next day I went to go talk to John. "Hey John, there is something that I want to ask you." I said. "What is it?" John asked. "Well, it's about this curse. What's it called?" I asked. "It's the spell of shattered sight. It's a curse that makes people see the worst in their loved ones and possibly turns them against each other." John said. "Okay, that answers my first question. My second question is how do we break it?" I said. "The only way to break it is to destroy the person who cast it." John said. "Okay, here's the last question I have. Did you cast it?" I asked. "No, I didn't. I would never cast a spell to make you and Jayden turn against each other." John said. "Okay, that's all I needed to know." I said. Then I walked out. The next day I went out for a run around town. I ran into a nighlok named Madimot. "I thought that I'd might run into you." I said. "It's been a while black ranger, seeing you carrying on your mother's legacy." Madimot said. "Seems to work for me." I said. "Do you want to know who cast that curse?" Madimot said. "Yeah." I said. "Well, I cast it." Madimot said. That's when the others show up and helped me destroy the nighlok. When we got back I noticed that Jayden is unconscious on the floor of the shiba house. "Holy shit, Jayden!" I shouted as I ran over to him. Lauren helped me to take Jayden to his room. A few hours later I found out that he is in a coma. I just couldn't believe it. I started to blame myself for Jayden being in a coma when, in reality, I had nothing to do with it. Lauren came out to talk to me later that night. "Hey sis, are you okay?" Lauren said. "No, I'm not okay, Jayden is in a coma and I think it's because of me." I said. "Ariel, look, you had nothing to do with it. Why are you blaming yourself for this?" Lauren asked. I didn't say anything. "It's complicated, isn't it?" Lauren said. "No, it's not that. It's something else." I said. "Then what is it?" Lauren asked. "It's just, well, I don't want to lose anyone else. I can't lose you or Jayden, not after what happened with mom and dad." I said. "So that's why you are blaming yourself, you witnessed both deaths and you don't want to lose me and Jayden." Lauren said. "Exactly." I said. The next day I walked out of the shiba house and John was sitting outside. He was drinking some Gatorade. "Ariel, don't make a man drink alone." John said. "I'm not in the mood for a drink or a man." I said as I walked past him. "I'm sorry that I didn't listen to you yesterday, I know you feel like you're a lone wolf but at some point, even though we're quite different, you've got to trust me." John said as he stopped me. "Is that what you think this is about that I don't trust you?" I asked. "I know what it's about." John began before I cut him off. "Of course I trust you." I said. "Then why do you keep pulling away from me?" John asked. "Because my parents have been dead for years, and now, I'm just scared that I am going to lose Jayden. I don't want to be here when it happens. I can't lose anyone else." I said. "Look, you don't have to worry about us. The one thing that power rangers are good at, is surviving." John said. Then we looked at each other for a moment, then we kissed each other. Two weeks later Jayden woke up. I walked into his room. "Hey big bro." I said. "Hey, what happened?" Jayden asked. "There was some kind of curse between us so the other rangers and I found out who cast it and destroyed the nighlok that cast it." I said. "Which nighlok was it?" Jayden asked. "It was Madimot. You know, the nighlok that can use mind control." I said. The next day I was working on a battle plan. I know that nothing is going to stop Master Xandred from sailing his ship into our world, only if the sanzu river rises up high enough to get Master Xandred to sail his evil ship into our world. I have to stay caught up with training because of my destiny. My destiny might be the most dangerous one but I know that I can handle it.

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