"Really? Where's Jamie?" I could barely control my voice. I was excitedly curious.

"Oh. He's at his friends house."

"Oh" the excitement devolved, "is his friend a girl or a guy?"

"A guy..why do you want to know?"

"A guy....does he have any interests in him?"

"How would I know!? Rosette what in the name of Circe are you going on about?"

"Nothing....nothing. Bye. See you."
I hung up before she could say anything. That was a close call.

Oh. I wonder if Jamie's friend, here I mentally spat it out, has any interests with Jamie. My poor, little doll. He's all alone in a big bad world.

I'll have to find out if Jamie's gay or not. I hope he isn't. Then him and I have a very good chance with each other. Or if he is... Mental sigh.

I got up and crawled through the gap of the blackberry bushes and went to my house.

When I got there I went inside and searched for my Mother. She wasn't there, so I had to go knock on the Santons door to see if she was there.

"Beep! Ring! Beep! Ring!" Was what their bell sounded like when I pressed it.

Thinking Mrs. Santon was going to be the one to open the door I crossed my arms and had one of my eyebrows raised.

There was a rustling behind the closed door before Jamie, of all people, opened the door.

"Sup." He says, leaning against the doorframe. Whether in an attempt to seem cool or intimidate me, it doesn't work.

I let my mouth open in shock. "Oh- I thought- your mother- wh-what?"
I spluttered.

He just arched an eyebrow, and said "why are you so baffled about seeing me open the door?"

"Not for any peculiar reason. Just a mere stupor. Don't think of it as a disturbance, since it isn't." I affirmed strongly.

"Well, come on in. Yer mum is here. Lass' been chatting up me own mummy." He spoke in a pirate accent, or a mimic of it.

"Oh, cheers. So, my Mother told me 'bout you and your guy friend."

"Ah. Joey. He's cool. My best friend, he is. He's here with Scott."


"Yea. My other best friend."

"Oh. Okay."

The discussion closed to an end and I scooted in, searching for any living signs of life. I didn't have time to inspect the whole house out. But I'm pretty sure cream and cashmere colours were greater than the other colours.

Jamie just smiled at me and gave me a one armed hug. I leaned in a bit.

"Well. Come meet my friends! I've told them lots about you." He clapped his hands, steered me from the wooden hallway into the living room and pushed me inside.

In the living room there was a mahogany table filled with food and a TV and lots of sofas and couches. To the right I saw my Mother and the Santon couple discussing and playing Monopoly. To my left were two boys sitting in front of a table with sweets and chocolate and etc.

The boy closest to me had brown hair and hazel eyes. The other one had blond hair and green eyes.

"That's Joey-" he pointed to the brunet, "-and that's Scott." He finished, pointing to the blond.

I nodded numbly. "Well lemme introduce you!" He pushed me and sat us both down in a nearby love seat.

"Who's this chic? Jamie, you saucy little minx, you never told us." Scott said, giving me a flirtatious wink.

I blushed but rolled my eyes. "Jamie and I are not lovers-" I stressed the word, "-we are just good friends."

"Good friends..hah" Scott nudged Joey and cracked up.

Joey frowned. "Scott you know Jamie's gay. Remember what your exact words were? 'Well, Jamie if you're gay then I'll have to start being extra extra careful 'round you. Don't want to get pounced on, eh?'"

Scott rubbed his neck. "Sorry for that. I didn't know I was being an insensitive prick with the emotional range of a teaspoon. Plus you punched me!" Here he let out an indignant squawk.

Jamie laughed his sweet laugh.

I was lost in it. Before I remembered that Joey just said that Jamie was gay. Well, there goes my brilliant deducted plan of getting Jamie as my lover.

Plan B, then: Protect him. Keep him. Make him my possession.

I shook out of my reverie when I heard, or saw, Joey lean over and whisper something into Jamie's ear.

The latter started blushing a pinky blush. Scott just let out a bark of laughter.

"I swear you two are dating!" He exclaimed laughingly.

"Eh? We-well, um-" Jamie stammered.

"We actually are. We just weren't going to tell you till today. Jamie and I have been dating for two whole years now." Joey leaped in, saving Jamie from the embarrassment.

Scott and I both had our mouths open in shock, mine was faux shock.

"Wow! Does this mean I have to share another bedroom when you two get it on?" He questioned.

"Well not so much-" Jamie started.

"Actually yes, Jamie's quite the screamer." Joey cut in.

My head turned towards Jamie who was blushing and squeaking.

"W-what? I-I'm n-not a scr-screamer!" He stuttered.

"Yes you are love. It's okay, no need to deny it." Joey stroked his hair lovingly.

To say I was annoyed would be an understatement. I was livid. I was the one who was supposed to stroke his hair! I was the one to make him blush! To make him squeal! To make him squeak!

Possessiveness ran through my body. He was mine. I tried to calm myself down before I did something stupid.

It had no effect because Joey thought it to be adoring and he sat Jamie down in his lap.

I stared at Jamie's blushing face before standing up, snarling "when's the wedding, happy couple?", and storming upstairs to a room, his I expect.

"Why Fate, why? I did nothing. You're subjecting me to madness. To complete insanity!" I cried into some pillows and fell asleep soon after...

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