Friday Barnes Birthday = Libra

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Lmao I did this timeline plotting as a preteen, so I thought this might be a fun one

Girl Detective: 

-  Birthday: In October

Big Trouble:  

- Went to her house for the mom "kidnapping" on October 16 (this is on the back cover so this isn't a spoiler)

- After several days later-> Uncle Bernie said Friday's B-day was 2 weeks ago

Conclusion: High chance that she is a Libra rather than a Scorpio

  Libra: Sep 22 til Oct 22

Scorpio: starts Oct 23

(If you want to know more timeline stuff lmao, Never Fear takes place 6 weeks before her birthday so it was probably set in August - beginning of Sep. No Escape takes place when Friday turned 15, that means it was passed October by then. and Ian turned 16 -> probably also was passed his birthday )

Friday Barnes: Astrology EditionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora