Chapter 11 - Soulmate?

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I found my way to the roof, but I noticed another already there. It was a guy.

"You know, I come to the roof because it's quiet, kinda defeats the purpose if somebody else is here." He turned around and faced me, but his annoyed expression faltered. "Shit, sorry, I thought you were Marcos or something," 

"I'm not Marcos or something." I confirmed for him, "I'll leave you be, but do you know any other quiet places I can go?" He shook his head,

"No, it's fine. You can stay." I nodded and sat down somewhat next to him, our legs dangling over the edge.

"I'm Leilani-Lorali, you can call me Lei though." He smiled at little and I could see the hint of a dimple,

"I'm Sam, but my, alias, I guess, is Gaslight." I rose an eyebrow at the name,

"Gaslight? What, do you specialize in Mr. Gaslight?"

"I can kinda get in people's heads. I thought the name Mindgames was cool, Marcos didn't agree. Gaslight just makes me sound, evil, I guess." His brows were furrowed, cute.

"So, Miss Lani," I chuckled at the deliberate nickname change, "Do you have a superhero name?"

I simply shook my head, "I haven't had much time to think about it, plus nothing really makes sense with my abilities." I internally rolled my eyes at the word, feeling as though it wasn't a good fit.

"Well then, what do you specialize in? Maybe I can help you."

"It's hard to explain, but you know how everything is made up of atoms, ions, molecules, stuff like that?" He nodded, "Well I can basically control all of it"

He seemed surprised, although a bit confused. "So, uh, you seem kinda really powerful" He laughed to himself, "Um, ok so, hmm, are you able to like, blow things up?"

"Blow things up?" Is he serious?

"Well you know, like the atomic bomb thing, but probably smaller if you can help it." I shook my head.

"That sounds dangerous"

"Well obviously, but still, it would make sense, here try it on this" He picked up a brick that was lying nearby.

"I don't know, what if I do something wrong and hurt someone?"

"It'll be fine, c'mon" He set the brick on the ledge and pulled me to stand behind some structure thing on the roof. "Just focus on the atoms in the brick, and I guess, maybe, break them or something?" His uncertainty didn't ease my nerves but I tried anyway.

I stared at the brick and, after a few moments, it was as if I could see the molecules buzzing around, making up the brick's form. "It's beautiful..." I didn't further explain to Sam what I saw. Instead, I focused on one atom, in particular, the one moving the slowest. I reached my hands out and slowly pulled them apart as if I was tearing a piece of paper. The moment the atom was in two the brick was disrupted, all the other atoms flooded around in a panic and soon enough the brick exploded.

Sam pulled me behind the small structure completely as pieces of brick flew out in a desperate escape. My eyes quickly moved to the spot where our skin was meeting for the first time, and I knew he was watching too, but nothing happened. Sam was not my soulmate. 

"Ya know, I can't help but feel a little disappointed," He chuckled.

"I get what you mean." I had felt so close with Sam in a matter of minutes that it felt as if we were supposed to be soulmates, but that just wasn't in our cards.

"Anyway, that was awesome," He grinned at me, flaunting his dimples, "and your superhero name should totally be something to do with bombs"

"What, like Atomica?" I joked, a grin of my own forming.

"Maybe just Atomic" He nodded, completely serious.

"Ohh or Radioactive!" He laughed at me,

"Isn't that a song?" 

"Yes. Yes, it is." We were both laughing and I was in a far better mood than before,

"Hey thanks for this," I smiled at my newfound friend.

"Anytime Miss Atom-Bomb" 

"Lei!" I heard Lauren yell out, as she opened the door to the roof.

"Over here, Lauren!" I called back.

"Hey I heard a loud bang while I was coming up here is everything al-" She stopped short, coming around the corner and seeing me and Sam. She looked at him, and back at me a smirk coming into place.

"No! No no, it is not what you're thinking Lauren. We aren't," I stopped when Sam laughed behind me, "Lauren this is Sam, Sam this is my twin sister Lauren"

"Pleasure to meet you ma'am" He stuck his hand out, and when Lauren grabbed it a glow formed around their hands, it was silver and gold, the gold resembled my sister's bubbles and I couldn't believe my eyes. Lauren gasped and Sam blushed, his ears turned pink and everything.

"Well would you look at that..." Sam muttered, a softer smile gracing his features.

"Ya know what, I'm just gonna go and let you two get acquainted, congrats Sam." As I walked past Lauren I gave her a side hug, whispering in her ear "You are gonna have to tell me everything" I don't think she even processed anything, giving me a weak nod as I walked away.

Well, my sister found hers, but will I ever find my Soulmate?

Now then, what do you guys think of Atomic, or Atomica, or maybe even Radioactive for her hero name? Also yay! Lauren and Sam! Andy won't be meeting Eliza for a while, just so you guys know. Please let me know any comments, suggestions, or thoughts!💙

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