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Are you fucking kidding me?" Taehyung mutters under his breath, gawking at the white fluffy thing in Jimin's arms, ocean blue eyes glaring back at him in warning despite busily licking its pink paws and looking pretty much way too comfortable being cradled like a baby.

"Isn't he a pretty little thing? Just look at him Tae," Jimin giggles, hoisting it up so that he could bury his face in the fluffy snow-white coat and nuzzles against its belly and that thing tries to bat playfully at his best friend's nose after Jimin pulls away slightly to smile fondly down at it.

Taehyung continued to gape, jaw loose and hanging wide open.

It takes him a second longer before he finally recovers, snapping his mouth shut and narrows his eyes at the kitten with a judging look.

"Where did you say you found him again?"

"I found him down the alley, near the night district. It was covered in blood but now he's all clean up and pretty. - ain't you pretty baby,"

Taehyung watched his best friend cooed at the kitten with a cutesy tone as if he's literally talking to a baby and all Taehyung could manage was to roll his eyes because that isn't what Jimin thought it was.

To think that motherfuck actually enjoys being coddled around was actually disturbing and downright urging Taehyung to expose that little shit right now.

But he restrained himself from doing so unless he wanted to expose himself in front of his best friend and that wouldn't have turned out great.

He doesn't know whether or not Jimin would take the news well since humans and vampires don't really get along that much.

Their species hadn't been much of a friendly being throughout the millennium of their existence ever since humans started torturing their kind and had killed dozens of them by draining their blood for their own selfish needs.

According to their ancestors that goes way back before Taehyung were even born. There are two types of vampires; pureblood like Taehyung himself or humans that were turned, which in this case they are called half-blood.

Half-blood vampires were the main reason pure blood goes into hiding for centuries, choosing to either remain in their animal forms or simply stay away from any contact that relates to humans altogether.

There's that and besides the whole point of their species not getting along together which Taehyung could care less about it. And then there's this whole ass fluffy kitty.

Don't get him wrong though, Taehyung loves all felines there is in this world, seeing that he belongs to that family category as well. But what bugs him the most was that furry kitty!

"Tae! Are you listening to what I've been saying?" Jimin whine loudly, pouting his lips and then turning his attention back at the kitten.

"Vampy! Did you see that? Did you see taetae just ignore me?" Jimin complains, "will you do that to me too, baby? Will you ignore me, mh?"

The kitten miaow cutely in response, headbutting Jimin under his chin and Jimin giggles, cooing with heart eyes, already smitten.

Taehyung clicked his tongue disapprovingly, narrowing his eyes at the kitten again, full-on glaring at it when the kitten miaows at him. Fluffy long tail flicking against Jimin's arms, swaying lazily as if to mock him.

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