Morning After

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Fred's POV

I woke up to whispering. I opened my eyes and saw Lexi next to Amara, in our bed,"Bloody hell,"I said.

"So you think you like him?,"Amara asks, Lexi and her not paying attention to me.

"He's sweet, he opened the door...scooted my seat in,"She sighs, smiling.

"Can you please tell me what you're doing here at,"I cut myself off to look at the clock,"five am?" I asked completely dumbfounded.

"Freddie, she needs to talk,"Amara says moving up, trying to cover herself with the covers.

"Did you two have sex? Here?,"Lexi gets up from the bed.

"Sorry, hand me Fred shirt on the floor and we'll go out to make coffee,"Amara says. Lexi throws it to her.

"No,"I groaned grabbing onto her. She giggles,"I'll be back, promise,"She kisses my head then pulls from my grasp. Amara pulls the shirt over before leaving the bed.

"What do I do? I mean...I don't want to move on too fast,"Lexi sighs.

Suddenly we heard Georges voice in the kitchen making Lexis eyes widen,"Just stay here,"Amara says then turns to me,"Scoot please,"She adds, pouting.

I sigh and move over. Amara and Lexi coming on the bed,"I mean, your the only one who knows your heart,"She says to Lexi.

"I just...I don't know. I love George. I always will. Liam is like how it was with George in the beginning. Getting chest butterflies. He makes me smile,"Lexi replies.

"I'm sorry this is so hard for you. I just want you to be happy,"Amara says and starts cuddling Lexi. I grab her and pull her to me making both of the girls laugh.

"Freddie! Lexi needs someone,"She giggles.

"It's fine. I'm sorry for bothering you two,"Lexi sighs.

"No you're not. I miss you so much Lex. I just want to be there for you,"Amara says.

"I just don't know what to do,"She replies. Amara grabs Lexis hand.

"Well you have us. Fred and I will be there for you,"She says.

"Really?,"Lexi asks.

Amara turns to me giving me the "please" look. I smiled,"Of course, stay as long as you want."

"Thank you,"Lexi smiled.

"Yeah yeah, I'm going to shower,"I peck Amaras lips before getting up from bed.

"Let's talk about something else. The wedding! When are you going dress shopping?"Lexi asks Amara while I walk over to the bathroom.

Amaras POV

"I'm think next weekend. So you, my mom, Ness, Ginny, and Molly could come,"Amara says.

"I'm so excited. I honestly don't think I can wait till next spring,"Lexi replies.

"I know...I just can't wait to marry Fred. I feel like I've been waiting for this my whole life,"I blushed.

"I'm really happy for you Amara, but how's work?"She asks.

"Busy, speaking of, I need to get ready, but stay here and chat please,"I replied.

"Alright,"she said and started making herself comfy.

"Hey Amara, you think you and Lexi could watch the shop Saturday?,"Fred asks while fixing his tie.

"No problemo,"Lexi said.

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