Officer Sommer's instructions rendered faithful, at the lofty roots of the trees were familiar faces by their horses, all of them looking our way when they detected our presence coming their way.

I felt my heart slow its fast beating when I recognized short raven hair in the group of cadets, happy that Mikasa was okay. I reached her, getting off of my horse as we hugged one another.

"Ugh, I was so worried! Officer Sommer made it sound like something bad happened."

"Nah, we're okay" Mikasa confirmed to me as Armin walked up to us.

"Oh, Armin I'm so glad you're-WHY IS THERE A BANDAGE ON YOUR HEAD?"

The blonde boy giggled at my panic, hugging me from the side. "I'm fine really, Reiner and Jean saved me."

That's right, Jean...

Armin saw the alarm in my eyes, smiling when two big calloused hands picked me up from the ground.

"Aww, Did someone miss me?"

Jean put me back down before I spun around and looked in surprise. Dawning the same green cape I was, he looked ever more charming, his tanned skin contrasting from the cerulean sky. I couldn't come up with a witty retort back, just smiling instead knowing he was okay.

"I was just scared something to you guys, that's all."

The expression I carried advised Jean not to provoke anything further. Instead, he placed his hand on my shoulder and gave it a squeeze as two higher up Officers came up to our group, faces with serious looks as one speaks up with a rehearsed speech in mind.

"In this forest, an issue has been encountered in the mission that the Captain Levi squad are handling currently. I am to relay orders from Commander Erwin to the new recruits..."


Below us by the large roots of the trees gawked clumsy looking giants, a mob of Titans watching us cadets as we stationed ourselves on the thick branches.

Commander Erwin had us on the edge of the big forest, up in the trees. As the number of cadets arrived and followed these orders increased, more and more Titans appeared, their faces excited like they found a huge meal.

Along with the growing anxiety I had prior to arriving to the forest, the Titans that were accumulating churned that fear in my stomach even more.

What's going on? Why did Commander Erwin tell us to do this? Why did he also tell us to not kill them? What's happening inside the forest?

It wasn't exclusion I was feeling, it was being unaware. This feeling residing in me like something bad was going to happen. The branch I sat atop wasn't providing much comfort to me anyway. All around me were my friends with their blades drawn who appeared the same as I, nervous and confused. We all watched as a flat faced Titan attempted to climb the trees, it's eager eyes staring at all of us before it lost its grip, falling to the ground. We all exhaled simultaneously though kept cautious. It was doing trial and error and I wondered how long we were to keep at this.

On the same tree as me was Christa and Sasha, both rid of nervousness and casually talking to one another where the branch meets the main body of the tree. I shuffled over to the both of them.

"Doesn't something feel off to either of you?"

Christa tipped her head one side, confused at what I meant as Sasha giggled at her gesture, placing her hand on the blond's head.

"Oh Christa, obviously she's talking about the fugly giants our group attracted."

Christa frowned and looked at Sasha. "I got that potato girl, I'm wondering why Y/N's nervous."

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞↬ [JeanxFemReader]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora