Will you really stay? In my darkest hour?

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"You never gave me a answer but I went ahead and called your twos family and let them know what was going on. They are on there way. But I did tell them you are to stay by her side no matter what and if anyone came in here yelling or looking to fight they will have to deal with me."

Even though I knew it should have been me, I couldn't help but be grateful for this woman in front of me that was like a older sister to me. With a weak smile of thanks I quickly went and changed clothes and came back out to Paige talking to Jett who was sitting by Sarah with a pale tear stained face. Before I could say anything Jett without turning towards me and opens his mouth,

"I may not be happy with you and how you handled things with her Chase, but I don't blame you in anyway for this all happening. This was something that was told to her that very well could happen if and or when she got pregnant when she had her surgery. So we all knew that this could happen, hoped it never would but we knew the odds. All I ask of you man to man is to help her through all this, because she is going to need you now more than ever. And be there every step of the way."

I felt shock at his words. I thought he'd hate me for doing this to her seeing as they are incredibly close. But after a second I walked up to him and laid a hand on his shoulder,

"I am so sorry for how I acted. As soon as I walked away I regretted everything I said, I was just being insecure funny enough. But I promise you that I would never leave her, I love her with my whole being. She is the one I want to grow old with. We are both just so young and we may be world class athletes but we still have a lot to learn, and learn that we are not perfect. And I can't promise we won't fight, or anything of the sort because we are human, but I can promise to try my hardest at making her happy, her and, and the baby."

I could feel my throat close up at the end, even though we had no idea we were going to have twins, now to just say one hurts. And I think Jett could tell, seeing as he reached up and grabbed my hand on his shoulder, giving it a squeeze before letting go and standing up. As he starts to walk away he says,

"I will warn you now, Hunter is livid. I will keep him out there with us and I think it would be better if you were to come out to him so we can stop him if he attacks and so we don't accidently hurt Sarah in possible cross fire. It doesn't have to be right now, I know you're probably not ready to leave her but soon would be a good idea."

I nod my head as he walks out the door. I take the seat he just left and took her hand again. After a few minutes I see my dad walk in. He looks worried, upset and mad. As I meet his eyes, his face softens as he walks over to me and kneels down next to me, making me somewhat twist in the chair to face him as he spoke,

"Son, I'm not happy with you getting a girl pregnant so young, most definitely her with her career just really getting started but at the same time I'm glad it's with her. She is good for you, and even though your mother has never meet her, she agrees. And I am so sorry you two have to go through what no expecting parent wants to go through. And if either of you ever need anything just call me ok? No matter the time I'm here."

All I could do was nod my head as I felt the tears start to form in my eyes. As I tried to fight them off but he claps me on the shoulder and they start to fall as I mutter,

"I know this could have happened at anytime. But I can't help but hate myself for it all. I don't think I will ever not blame myself for this happening. But I gotta be strong for her, because she needs it way more than I do or will."

All he did was rub my shoulder with a smile as he stood up and said,

"I know, it's going to take a long time to heal from this. But you both need to not just focus on what was lost, but what you are still blessed with. You still have a child on the way Chase, keep that in mind."

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