"Who ordered you? And what did you do and why ?" He asked again

"Ms. Jeon Somin . She found out about me and hwasa and , and she help me to be released out of the prison and she said I can get hwasa because your her husband . So I got angry when I saw her on your house . HWASA IS MINE !! SHES MINE !!!! IVE BEEN THERE FOR HER SINCE SHES A ROOKIE SO SHES MINE !!" the man suddenly shouted making sunghoon more angry .

The nerve of that woman

He let go of the man and called Eunwoo.

"You know what to do with him "

The body guards pinned down the man who did the nasty things . He yelled at them


Sunghoon didn't heard the rest of it because he hurried back to his car with Eunwoo behind him .

"You heard him earlier right? Keep an eye on Somin " he said and

He quickly grab the food that hyejin asks for him

He calmed him self down and composed himself for the sake of hyejin .

He thanked his security team and went in. 

He walked to where he left hyejin and found her now surrounded with papers and her hair on a top knot bun like how she usually tie it with her glasses while sleeping on the desk

"Love " he called her caressing her back .

She slowly opened her eyes and hugged him on his waist

"What took you so long ?" She clings on to him .

"I only took two hours as promised love " he chuckled

"Still it's long " she pouts .

He just can't believe that the lioness who always slay the stage with her power and charisma is like a kitten who pours out her love and cuteness towards him and he's not complaining about it in fact he can welcome it forever if it's from her .

Seeing her like this made him want to protect her more at all cost . He can't let what happened earlier repeat or even come close to her .

"Come on love I bought your blue crab and raw beef salad " he said pulling her up .

She stands up still hugging him .

But she immediately pulled away when she saw the food on the table .

"Wow !! This looks so yummy" she said smelling the food on the table .

"Wah jjinja I feel betrayed ." He said shaking his head .

"Love " he called her and she didn't even spare a glance on him .

"Mm?" She hummed still focused at the boiling crab soup infront of her .

"Me or the crab soup " he asked

"Crab soup " she answered without even thinking

"Wah " he acted hurt making her laugh

"Come on Oppa , let's eat I'll hug you later " she said now scooping the soup and cutting the crabs in half for the both of them .

"Arasseo arasseo " he chuckled .

While eating he asked her something

"Babe " he called her

"Yah ? " She answered munching on her raw beef .

SHE LIVES ALONEحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن