Chapter 22

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"Hello, Ranalla." The greasy smile on Sheldon's face made her stomach turn. There was always something about him that made her want to wash herself just from his looks. Now she knew why. He was a snake like her father.

She looked at him in disbelief. He was standing so casually against the tree. It was as though he knew they would walk up. His perfectly groomed blond hair framed his tanned skin. He looked like the poster child for a luxury yacht magazine with his tailored grey jacket that he always wore. It made Ranalla think of Miami Vice.

She stepped back and found herself against Vince. Turning to him in panic, she saw that he stared straight ahead at Sheldon. Ranalla was confused. Vince was not upset. He didn't even seem surprised.

Sheldon's voice pulled her around abruptly. "Good job, Vince. You delivered her as promised."

Ranalla felt her stomach plummet. Her mouth opened and without making a sound moved as though trying to form words. She turned quickly to Vince hoping to find clarification on what was happening. She found it in his stoic gaze that remained on Sheldon.

"Vince." Her words came out in a whisper. "Vince, what does he mean?" Seconds ticked by as he continued to look at Sheldon. His jaw flexed as he gritted his teeth. Ranalla grabbed his arm. "Vince!" she raised her voice. "What does he mean? Tell me!"

His eyes moved slowly to hers. The look of sadness told her everything. She whispered, "You...." Her eyes closed momentarily. "I don't understand."

"Let me explain, sweetheart." Sheldon interrupted her. She turned around still in shock. "You put me in a bad situation when you ran out on me five years ago. I tried to get you to see reason, but you tend to be stubborn." He pushed up from the tree and moved forward a few steps. His hands were in his pockets in a self-confident stance. "I decided to use someone who would know you. Vince was perfect."

She shook her head even more confused than before. "I still don't understand."

"You see, I want you. Plain and simple. I don't like being denied. Through you I get a piece of your Daddy's action."

She looked back at Vince. "Where does Vince come into this?"

"You don't know?" His face showed surprise. Sheldon broke out laughing. "Sweetheart, this is one of your father's right-hand men."

A deep cold hit Ranalla like a ton of bricks. She slowly pivoted back to Vince, who was staring at her with no expression on his face. She struggled to breathe as she thought back to their lovemaking and his protective actions. All of it was a lie. He had betrayed her. He had used her. He was no better than her father.

Sheldon's laughter slowly subsided. "I found out what his price was and had him working for me while he worked for your father. He has been good over the last seven years at feeding me vital information. I've got quite a stash of information to use when I need it. The best part was his position to deliver you to me."

Ranalla still stared at Vince. She shook her head in disbelief at what she was hearing.

"You see, I get you and I can get your father's money. Everything is in place. I just needed you."

She didn't turn around as she responded. "You're wrong, Sheldon. My father has disowned me."

"That will change with what I have on him." He paused. "And when I tell him he is to be a grandfather."

Ranalla whipped around. "What?"

"A grandfather. I have you now. I just keep you in my bed until you're pregnant and then I have one more piece of leverage against the old fool."

Bile rose up in her mouth. "No. No way."

Sheldon moved quickly and grabbed her to him. His face was so close she could feel his breath on her own face. "You are mine, Ranalla. No other man will have what is mine." Keeping his gaze locked on hers, he reached into his deep pocket and pulled out a wrapped bundle. He tossed it to Vince. "That should be the final payment of what I owe you. I'll be in touch if I need anything more."

Ranalla heard the rustle of the package as Vince handled it. His voice came out tight as he said, "Glad you agreed to my terms about the money, location, and for coming alone."

Sheldon smiled as he ran a finger down Ranalla's cheek and neck. She strained away from him but could not avoid his touch. "No problem. You've proven yourself trustworthy."

"Good. I was hoping that would

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