19. I got it wrong

Start from the beginning

"That would be great, thanks", I answer gratefully as I rest my head on my hands. "So.. how did you two end last night?"

"Well, he finally came to his senses after arguing, so it all ended well. Sorry you had to go to sleep elsewhere, though." Bailee apologizes and I quickly shake my head.

"Oh no, I'm happy you got to sleep with him, your birthday ended as it should", the next thing I feel is Bailee's arms around me, squeezing me tight.

"You're the best, do you know that?", Bailee exclaims once she's in front of me with her hands on my shoulders. "And I love your gift, it's sooo lovely!"

Then, Bailee shows me her wrist adorned with a bracelet with small initials charms and I stand for a few seconds without being able to react. Where did she get it from? But if I remember correctly ...

"Wait, how did you know it was there?", I ask her confused as she grins widely at me before picking up my toast that had already flown off.

"A girl never reveals her secrets ... but it fell out of your backpack when you left", Bailee comments and I snap myself in the face. I don't even do that right.

So, Bailee puts the two pieces of toast on a plate and brings me everything I need. Just then, half-sleepy Blake appears, making room for himself in the kitchen. Blake then grabs one of my toast and puts it in his mouth as he opens the fridge for something to drink, but not before hugging Bailee.

"Emmm...", I grumble.

"Sorry, I have woken up hungry." Blake shrugs it off as he pours juice on his glass and continue, "go with the boys while I get you another toast, so we can have breakfast together for once."

Great mate, just what I wanted to avoid. I get up slowly, taking my things carefully, and go to the table where the boys are. Reece is turning his back on me while George looks at me instantly. He smiles at me and he indicates to me to sit next to him.

Grateful, I walk around the table to where I am and put things down. I smile slightly at Reece once I'm seated and choose to break the silence that has suddenly formed.

"So, do you have any plans for today?", I ask them with a bit of curiosity while I spread some nutella on my toast.

"Probably sleeping the hours that I have lost tonight because of those two", George mutters tired nodding at the couple fooling around in the middle of the kitchen. I frown uncomfortably as I turn to Reece this time to see if he has a more animated response hopefully.

"Not really, but after the party yesterday, we will surely make a chill plan like watching movies and things like that....you could jo- ", Reece was about to continue when Blake cuts him off as the couple walk into the room with some breakfast.

"Here you are", Blake leaves me a new toast in front of me while Bailee sets her plates in front of their places, she sitting right in front of me.

We eat under a comfortable silence which is sometimes broken by the giggles of the couple or some comments from George. This allows me to take time for myself which is difficult in the dorms since it's impossible to have a quiet breakfast in the canteen of the dorms. 

"I'm going to get ready while you finish breakfast, is that okay?", I comment to Bailee who gives me a quick smile and I take it as a clue to gather my things and leave.

Once changed, I begin to rearrange everything I had in the backpack and close it without problems. I sit on George's bed and pray that Bailee doesn't take long and we can leave as soon as possible. I think once more of Reece and the ridicule I made of myself last night, reproaching myself for being loudmouth when I'm sleepy. 

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