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Ariel Pov

I was in potions and hermione and I watched as the Wealsey twins set up a pack of fireworks under snapes desk

Then they come over to talk the hermione " he's going to know it's you two" she stated " yea but detention is worth" Fred said

" hey Ariel" George stood in front of my desk "Wealsey" I said not looking up from my book " what are you reading" Fred joins him " you wouldn't understand it"

" has anyone said anything about how nice you are" Fred said sarcastically
I roll my eyes " later hermione" they both said
They both glanced at me and then walked back to their seats

As they sat down my phone buzzed

Assholes🙄: why don't you like the Twins?

You: you two are in this class?

Assholes🙄: maybe

You: if you must know

Assholes🙄: yes please

You: I actually do like them

Assholes🙄: oh?

You: I might just have a crush on them

Assholes🙄: both?

You: I mean they look the exactly the same so yea pretty much but if they were to ever find out they'd never let me live it down they would be such assholes about it

Assholes🙄: which one do you like better?

You: thats the problem, If I liked just one maybe shit will be easier

Assholes🙄: what do you like about them

You: I mean their funny, smart, cute, adorable and kind, they play quidditch, and they have a great family I wish my family was a close as theirs

Assholes🙄: wow we didn't know you had a heart

You: shut up I'm not completely a bitch and if you two tell anyone, especially them I will kill you both

Assholes🙄: you don't even know who we are

You: we're wizards and witches I can figure it out

Assholes🙄: Doubt that, and another question how do you tell them apart their identical

You: Fred, has slightly bigger cheeks than George it's adorable really, and George is taller

Assholes🙄: simp

You: shut up

Read at 12:02

𝙻𝚘𝚜𝚝 𝙽𝚞𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛| Fred and George texting story Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ