When Josephine glanced up at Bobby with a knowing look, he intervened. "All right, I don't need the people up there seeing that. Do me a favor. He's survived, right? Put him on a gurney, you know the drill." He instructed.

"Copy that."

The situation is already intense enough and with the big crowd recording from every angle and second of it, the team didn't need to frightened either parties by insinuating the young man was dead. Josephine and Bobby reverted back to Buck paving his way towards the group at the top. Both hoped the other young man clutching for his life has the patience and will be handled safely by Buck.

Josephine took one more glance before moving the rig from the rollercoaster to drive off to the other side. Meanwhile, Buck fixated himself on Devon and attaching the clasps of the harness to have him loop his arm through the strap. Although, Devon couldn't focus with the large crowd at the bottom recording the scene. His thoughts and emotions tackled on each other negatively.

Buck persisted Devon that he'll be okay once taking his hand. Patience was the key for this situation to go well. Even with his calming tone and outstretched hand to secure Devon's safety, it was too late. Devon released himself in front of Buck to watch him hit the ground causing a wave of screams and gasps at the tragic scene.

Every witness of that night had been left speechless, "Oh my God."

The next morning, Buck sat dwelling at his empty cup of coffee. He couldn't express the sadness and overwhelming emotions he felt, though everyone knew those feelings. They've all been in the exact position that Buck's currently sitting in. While Bobby continued to cook in the kitchen with Josephine's assistance, Chimney served Buck a full plate.

"I'm not hungry." He declined

Chimney disagreed, "It's America, Buck-a-roo. Eating has nothing to do with being hungry."

Josephine pondered at the blond man, sighing out. "I was right there. Y'know all he had to do was reach up and grab my hand." He ranted to the trio, glancing over at them.

She frowned and pour two cups of coffee before settling in a seat next to Buck. "People do funny things at times like that. Sometimes they just freeze up." She slid the mug to him who immediately rejected, but sent a look for him to take it.

"I've never lost anyone before...does it get any easier?" His eyes stared at the new cup of coffee in his hand then flickering up at his colleagues.

Bobby answered without any hesitation, "No."

Chimney cleared his throat and leaned forward, "Look, people die and that's part of the gig, right? Your problem is that you look at the job like a long term relationship. They're one night stands man. In that moment they mean everything to you, but once morning comes it's on to the next one."

"Nice analogy, Chimney." Josephine shared an intrigued expression before sipping from her mug.

The next second, Hen's voice tore the team's attention from the conversation to her and Athena waltzing in the room. "Hey! You guys don't mind I brought some company for family dinner?" She beamed while Buck rolled his eyes at the sight of the cop. "Athena is going through some stuff at home, so she could use some TLC." She teased as Chimney high fived her.

Bobby circled the countertop to greet the woman, "Well, we don't usually allow cops in secret firehouse meetings, but uh we can make an exception." He hugged her.

Josephine tapped on the blond man's shoulder, he looked up at her. "Play nice, Evan." She jokingly said then patted his cheek before leaving his side.

Nebulous || Evan Buckley [1]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora