"Uh..mom needs something... Its really important."

"Its alright..it must be serious if she kept calling from last night." Emphasis on the word night

"Really? you're not mad?" Clarke was shocked. She was sure that Lexa was going to lush out for cancelling on her again.

"Why would I be mad, its your mother right." There was something about her statement that she didn't really get. Clarke moved over to Lexa and placed a hug on her.

"I'm sure its nothing serious, I will make it in time for dinner." She hoped it was nothing serious. She called Nyilah back and the girl was panicking saying that Madi was unwell.

Clarke kissed Lexa and rushed out of the house.

"How many more lies Clarke?" She said to no one.


Clarke opened the door and rushed inside Nyilah's house. She went straight to Madi's room. Things are starting to become complicated, its not like she wanted to lie to Lexa. Things are becoming a mess and she didn't know how to fix it.

"Madi? Mommy is here." She called out has she opened the room. Nyilah was sitting on the pink soaf in the room, reading a book.

"Sorry how is she?"

Nyilah placed the book aside and joined Clarke by the bedside. "Bellamy gave her something to help her sleep. She was up all night, gave me quite a scare."

Clarke placed her hand over Madi's forehead with an additional kiss. "I'm glade you called him."

"He gave some medication, said we should watch her closely for any changes luckily positive ones but if her condition gets worse over the day or night, we should bring her in immediately." She placed a hand on Clarke's shoulder. "Its going to be alright."

"Now I understand what mom meant when she said I used to give her a death scare. I should have being with her last night. I'm I a bad mother?"

Tears poured down her face has Nyilah pulled her in for a hug. "You are a good mother.Yes you miss a couple of moments good or bad but so does every mother."

Clarke pulled her friend in closer. One of the things she loved about her was her honesty which was pure as Gold. Nyilah pulled her to the kitchen, made her a cup of coffee and they just sat there.

This was also trait of their friendship. They can sit in a comfortable silence, drinking coffee or reading their individual books without making it awkward.

"Tell me about the night." Clarke said, sipping her coffee.

"She complained about her head, gave her some painkillers but the pain didn't seem to go away. She cried a lot and called for you till she fell asleep in the early mornings." Nyilah got up and started to make pancakes for them. Knowing Madi, she would be over the moon for the delicious pancakes her Aunt likes to make.

Clarke rubbed her temples in frustration. "I can't believe it.....w_what if..."

"No, don't you dare say that. You weren't able to come and that's that. Now we focus on the NOW."

"I just can't help but wonder how everything would have being easy if i just told the truth. All these lies are beginning to rust away making it difficult to clean up."

"Your lies are going to far. Madi is growing so is your wife's temper and patience."

Clarke raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

Nyilah sighed. "My friend...you know what I mean. Lexa is not stupid, how long do you think she'll keep pretending to not know that you're lying to her."

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