After another episode, a box pops up on the screen, asking me if I’m still watching Netflix. Even Netflix is judging me for my lame life choices. Yes, Netflix, if you must know, I’m still watching this show, I think to myself. I turn off my TV and decide to finish up what little bit of homework I have. Usually I just finish my homework in other classes, but I have nothing better to do.                 

The doorbell rings while I’m in the middle of my chemistry homework and I almost get excited, but then remember that it’s just Dalton with the movies he rented for him and Bailey. I’m glad that at least one of us has sorted out their relationship issues; I’m happy for Bailey, she’s been chasing after Dalton since last year.

“Peyton!” Bailey shouts from downstairs. “Get your cute butt down here!”

I push my chemistry book aside a roll out of bed. I check my appearance before walking downstairs, knowing my sweatpants and baggy sweatshirt will no doubt earn me snide comment from Dalton. I make my way downstairs to find Bailey and Dalton already cuddled up on one couch and Marco sitting on the other loveseat.                 

Crap. I definitely should’ve changed. “What’s up?” I ask, faking casual.                 

“What are you doing?” Bailey replies, ignoring my question.                

I glance at Marco and he looks so cute and well dressed and I look like I’m about to go jogging. “Chemistry,” I answer.         

“You’re doing homework?” Bailey questions, not bothering to hide the judgment in her tone. “You should watch these movies with us,” she insists, her eyes glancing from me to Marco, and back again. I see what she’s trying to do.                 

“I have a lot of homework. I should probably get it done now before so I won’t be hating life tomorrow night,” I laugh.                 

“I’ll keep you company,” Marco offers, standing up from the couch.                 

I fight a smile, but quickly lose. “If you want to put yourself through that kind of boredom, then be my guest.”                

“Happy to,” Marco winks.               

I turn to head back upstairs and Marco remains close behind me. Luckily my back is to him so I have plenty of time to get rid of this goofy ass grin of mine. “So how’d you get roped into coming over here? Didn’t you get enough of me last night and this morning?” I tease.                 

“Actually, I kind of wanted to talk to you,” he admits as we enter my room.                 

I lead the way to my bed, I sit in my spot nearest the headboard and he sits at the foot of my bed. “Okay, what is it?"              

Marco clears his throat. I’m starting to think that is habit he does when he’s nervous about saying something. “I finally talked to Meredith.”                 

Great, he’s backing out, isn’t he? “Oh? And?”                 

“She confessed to everything before I even got the chance to bust her for anything,” he pauses. “She made out with Tristan last night too…” he tells me.                 

I nod alone. “Yeah, Bailey told me that.”                 

He chuckles. “Why am I not surprised, she seems to know everything before anybody else.”                 

“So how did your talk with Meredith go?”                 

“Oh, she dumped me,” Marco says nonchalantly. The words roll right off his tongue, like it doesn’t even bother him. “What really pisses me off is that I was listening to her, giving her the benefit of the doubt. I was still planning on ending things with her on Monday, like you and I agreed and then she just broke up with me. She said she wants to be single her senior year and see other people.”                 

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