Dream SMP + friends as Tumblr Posts 2

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Karl: Here's my plan.

Step 1: Buy 15 identical cats

Step 2: Invite someone over

Step 3: When they ask how many cats I have, I'll say "one, but he's really fast"


Sapnap: Fun Christmas idea! Hang mistletoe, but instead of kissing you have to FIGHT whoever else is under it

Slimecicle: Mistlefoe



Karl: So, what do you guys have planned for Valentine's Day?

Techno: murder

Dream: That's the spirit!


Tommy: I had a dream that I was getting sorted at hogwarts but I got into an argument with the sorting hat so he made up an entirely new house called "GrungleBunk" just so I would be forced to sit by myself in the dining hall for the rest of my life.


George: What happens to all your teen angst when you're 20...like where does it go?

Wilbur: They diagnose it as anxiety.


Purpled: A few days ago I was walking past a basketball court and a ball flew at me and I:
1) didn't flinch
2) caught the ball
3) threw it back at the guy
4) responded to his "thanks bro" with a nod
It was like the ghost of some guy named Chad took over me so I didn't like embarrass myself

Ponk: A bro talked to me today and it caught me very off guard but instead of my voice rising an octave it dropped an octave and I suddenly was effortlessly speaking Bro back to him. This resulted in a very positive interaction!

Thanks, Chad


Sapnap: I was standing on the bus back from town and the driver suddenly braked really hard and this girl like flew across the bus and somehow I caught her and without thinking I said "I think you just fell for me" and I shit you not the entire bus applauded me

Dream: Dude, you got mad game


Slimecicle: *eats 100 ears of corn in two hours* I am the corn king! I cannot be out corned! It's just another day in the corn fields for me.

Wilbur: What?

Slimecicle: I don't know. I woke up at 6am, wrote this, and went back to sleep.


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