Chapter 7

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The Eastern Realms of Qin Qiu is a land of utmost beauty and splendor. The unique combinations of mountains, valleys, rich fauna and fertile land, along with many springs and rivers adds to its praise. But QingQiu it is said, holds many dazzling secrets about its opulence. And one, its the unmatched view of the Qinq Qiu night sky; adorned with limitless twinkling stars and constellations, draped over an inky blue sea that's neither too dark nor too bright. The best place to enjoy this view is at the edge of High God's Zhe Yan's Ten Mile Peach Blossoms Orchard, for where the trees end, the skies begin.

Beneath a small pagoda near the banks of the orchard, Former Master of the Universe Donghua Dijun lay rested;and nestled within his arms was the one and only red nine-tailed fox Queen of the Eastern land of Qing Qiu. Bai Feng Jiu cuddled closer pulling the plush quilt draped over her tightly. Together, content in each other's arms, the looked at the vast expanse above.

"See I told you Qing Qiu stars were a treat to watch. Are you happy I bought you here?" She turned to look at the quite purple robed Deity, who eyes she realized were on her the whole time. 

"I am happy wherever you take me XaioBai as long as its by your side"

She purred happily and edged even closer. Dijun wrapped his arms around her tightly, and placed a soft kiss on her forehead.

Few beats of silence later, " I am sorry for running way and not telling you about Gun Gun" 

Dijun's arms wound  more tight, but he didn't reply. He sensed her need to continue speaking, that she needed closure, they both did.

"When I heard the news that you were seen carrying Jiheng to the Demon Realm, I assumed the worst. That you decided to marry her in the end, that you always only loved her, that's why you didn't show up to the wedding, that you ,,, you,," Feng Jiu couldn't continue and the tears that she tried best to hold spilled freely. She choked on her sob and grasped the arms holding her, as if she would collapse should they break free. 

"And I am sorry for not assuring you about my sincerity and love towards you Xaio Bai." said Dijun, as he continued to stroke her back in soothing motions. 

"It's not your fault. I should have believed you". She sniffed, wiping her tears.

She turned to face him properly and noticed that the ever youthful face still carried the gauntness due to loss of cultivation. It broke her heart as she saw the pain that filled his eyes, pain for the lost time, for the sufferings, for their ill-fated love.

"Donghua" she whispered, "Tell me". Her question might have sounded vague, but she knew that he knew what she truly meant. 

Silence followed the request. She knew Dijun was just gathering his  thoughts and waited.  "Xaio Bai, what do you know about my state of single-mindedness?" He asked finally.

"Isnt it when you decided to join with the God clan rather the Demon's? 

"Yes, but its not just that. For me attaining that state established the purpose that whatever happens I shall always strive to put the matters of universal balance first and foremost. That helped me drive towards the many victories in war and also how I was able to unite all races and clans. It was for the same reasons, why many clan leaders followed me without cause or question .  It is also why that I decided to retire to Taichen Palace after absolving my duties."

He paused  and noticed a faint understanding enter her eyes. He chuckled, his Xaio Bai was ever perceptive.

" But I miscalculated. What worked in wars doesn't work in the matters of the heart. When I returned from resealing the Miao Yi Realm, and found that you had disappeared I was immediately fixated in finding you. That was my single-minded purpose. I realized too late that that very same action further deepened the misunderstandings."

He took her right hand, rested it close to his heart.  The purple ring she always wore shone brightly. " I underestimated your hurtful past in Taichen Palace as a fox, especially concerning JiHeng. Can you ever forgive me?" 

Tears fell on their clasped hands, his, hers or both they didn't care. The pain that filled them both was being washed away. Pressing her bright red lips to his softly she replied, " I forgive you."  The three words snapped Dijun from within and he brought her into a crushing hug, as if trying to merge their two bodies into one. 

"And Can you forgive me for abandoning you? I let my pain caused by JiHeng question your love for me. Can you forgive me Donghua?" 

Dijun wanted to say that she had nothing to apologize, but sensed again that she needed to hear it, for herself, " I forgive you Xiao Bai. I love you"

She tightened her grip on him and together they lay coupled, as if in dance. After several heartbeats they released. 

Bai Feng Jiu wanted to savor and engrave this moment forever in her heart, for she knew with utmost certainty that their trials to be together was over. Henceforth, what may come, they will always be together. Dijun caressed her face and she leaned on it, rubbing onto his palms. 

"Always so cute." thought Dijun. It never ceased to amaze him that she chose him and here beneath the stars of QinQiu he vowed to protect, serve and fiercely love her always. 

It didn't matter who moved first, but when their lips met with a sigh, Feng Jiu pressed herself flush against him. She wrapped her arms around his neck to deepen their kiss. Dijun held her head for support as he responded with equal passion. They continued slowly and reverently exploring each other's faces, whispering honeyed words of love and promises. They were intent on making up for the 200 years that was lost. 


Our love birds are together finally. I felt that his true purpose as Dijun will help understand the reasons behind his actions. It's wedding bell's time .

Photo credit to rightful owner and WeTv.

This afterstory is a mash of both the book and drama. 

It leans more towards the drama, till the ending where I think having Kunlun seal the relam's poisons works better. 

Personally, I was glad they approached Aranya's dream differently. 

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